International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Исследования отдельных жанров

Diary as a Lyrical Speech Genre

The diary is a lyrical speech genre, if we consider speech genres from the point of view of the universal triad that goes back to the antiquity – epic, lyric and drama. Diary is a recognition of the special price of the word, consistently saving a grain of everyday life experience. The article outlines the idea of a two-step indirect diary addressee. The first step: «I» is the author, meaning him(her)self in some future tense. The second step is the turn to the descendants, to an unknown reader-interlocutor, to likely biographers, etc. – on demand.

The Verbalization of the Siberians Combatants’ Wishes Used in Letters From the Front in the Days of the Great Patriotic War (Based on the Letters of Krasnoyarsk Territory Citizens Mobilized to the Front)

The article is devoted to the linguistic description of the means of verbalizing the wishes written by Siberians combatants in their letters from the Front during the Great Patriotic War. The research of verbalization of the wishes has been carried out in terms of linguistic personology and represents a part of the study concerning the pragmatic level of the collective language personality of a combatant as a person who is part of the armed forces and taking part in armed hostilities.

Personal Statement as a Genre of Academic Discourse in English

The paper focuses on the research into motivation letters as an integral part of an academic application process. The author claims that writing effective motivation letters needs a deeper understanding of inherent strategies and tactics. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis of successful letters showcased by American, Canadian and European universities, the author reveals some tactics and topics that the applicants use to impress admission officers.

Genres of Written Discourse of the Executive Branch

The article presents a description of the genre system of the executive written discourse. The paper considers viewpoints of specialists in genre studies on the criteria for classifying genres. It presents speech genres typologies on the inter- and extra-linguistic bases according to: communicative intention, type of activity, specificity of the audience, etc. Through the analyses of various conceptions, the author comes to the conclusion that a complete modeling of a genre system is possible only if a number of factors is considered.

The Russian Construction “ya by na tvoyom meste/ty by na moyom meste” (“if i were you/if you were me”): about the Link between the I-sphere and the Choice of a Speech Genre

The construction analyzed in the article can be used both on the speaker’s initiative and in response to a request. It is characteristic of two speech genres, advice and compliment. The hypothetical substitution of ya (me) with ty (you) (ya by na tvoyom meste/if I were you) and ty (you) with ya (me) (ty by na moyom meste/ if you were me) can trigger conflict, to a greater or lesser extent.

Aspects of the Use of Adverbs of Manner in an Academic Article

The study of the genres of academic speech is one of the topical problems of modern linguistic research, and this explains the choice of the theme of this work. The article discusses the syntactic and semantic features of the adverbs of manner, functioning in an academic article. The study is based on the articles published in Russian collections of articles and journals belonging to different academic fields. According to the results of the analysis, the majority of adverbs of manner act as secondary members of sentences.

The Oral Narrative of a Student Activist as a Speech Genre

The speech ecosystem of an activist’s utterance is rooted in the paradigm of concepts of “movement”, “action”, “initiative”. Unlike their elder role models - the officials, who learned to avoid the first-personpronoun in their speeches - an activist is using an I-narrative which serves several purposes of the utterance. Firstly, it helps demonstrate their positive experience to those who are starting or thinking about joining the ranks of activists. Secondly, it is a public recognition of their own achievements.

Diary: Main Variants of the Genre

The research of the variability of a speech genre ”Diary” shows the presence of five basic models built on the following features: belonging to one of the basic worldviews, the type of mental space, the type of the concept forming the genre, the type of a modal subject, the reference towards reality, speech strategy and the genre format.

The Litotes in the Speech Genre of a Life-talk

The article deals with the functioning of the litotes in the Russian life-talk. The author discusses the term “litotes”, adduces different points of view on this term are, and offers the conclusion that, firstly, the main feature of the litotes is the obvious diminishment of some property, action or force, and secondly, in everyday conversation the litotes is the ideal device opposed to the hyperbole. The article presents the classification of the litotes based the manner of its expression.

Practical Training Report as a Speech Genre

The article presents a research of the speech genre “a practical training report”. The genre is studied within an educational-academic professional substyle. The author describes essential genre forming features of the genre, its basic linguistic properties and structure. The author sees the practical value of the research in the applicability of its results to speech genres modelling as well to practical aspects connected with teaching students to make up a practical training report as a part of their university education. 
