International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Исследования отдельных жанров

Pragmatic Aspects of TED Talks as a Specific Speech Genre (Through the Lens of Discourse Markers’ Use)

The article presents the analysis of the speech genre aspects of TED talks, identifies their place in the speech genre hierarchy, their reference to the communication sphere and specifies their chronotopos peculiarities. Genregenetic properties of TED talks, forming their model, are analyzed through the research of their pragmatic framework constituted by discourse markers: through the aspects of discourse organization, the addressor and the addressee’s interaction, the author’s selfpresentation.

The Genre of the Lecture and its Modern Varieties

Based on the data from Russian and English YouTube videos, the paper examines several modern varieties of the genre of the lecture (academic, public and entertaining para-scientific lectures). The analysis revealed that the main feature of the Internet lecture discourse is the speaker’s willingness to focus on their real audience and many more potential viewers and subscribers, so that they may not skip to another channel.

Dialogical Genres of the White House

The objective of the research. The research deals with the description and classification of the dialogical genres of the modern political discourse of the United States, namely of the White House. The study was carried out using the method of classification and the descriptive method from the discourse positions, taking into account the social actors using these genres: politicians, journalists and the audience.

To the Question of Genre Features of Preambles to Constitutions

The article presents the results of a study of the genre parameters of the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and preambles to the constitutions of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation. The following aspects are considered as genre parameters (genre­forming factors): (a) rele­vance to the text of a law of a certain sub-­genre type. (b) subject matter. (c) communicative func­tions. (d) subject composition (images of the author, addressor and addressee). (e) spatio­-temporal and other circumstantial characteristics.

Cultural Specificity of the “Housing” – “Family” Metaphor in Kazakh Wedding Toast

The article deals with some aspects of a metaphorical understanding of the concept of “family” in Kazakh culture. The study is based on the material of the texts of Kazakh wedding toasts. This variety of the speech genre of the toast is characterized by typification and variability, determined by conventional language norms and norms of speech communication.

Spectacular and Ludic Aspects of Speech Genres: T-shirt-legends

The article supports the thesis about the relevant socio-­semiotic positioning of T­-shirt-­legends in the system of modern mass communication and the con­sequently resulting legitimacy of their investigation as a specific class of research objects of language theory and discourse analysis. The author argues that texts under examination are marked in two ways as manifestations of genre and functional consistency in socio­-communicative practices.

“Aesthetics of Kantselyarit” in the Genre of Review-Postcard

The paper focuses on the problem of genre­-style in­competence of students, its linguistic and sociocultural reasons. This article is aimed at establishing the stylis­tic nature of a new genre of a review­-postcard. The results of the stylistic analysis show a certain contra­diction between theoretical ideas about the genre of the review­-postcard and its real embodiment in the students’ works submitted to the contest of pedagogi­cal reviews-­postcards for a modern children’s book.

The Taboo in the System of Speech and Folklore Genres

The research deals with the taboo as a traditional speech genre, which is a prominent part of the contem­porary system of speech genres. The taboo as a speech and partly folklore genre is based on the system of beliefs passed down from generation to generation, and ensures compliance with certain rules of behav­ior, first of all – preventing actions which, according to the traditional world view, can harm the violator.

Public Apology: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

The article describes the genre of public apology in the diachronic and synchronic aspects. The data from different types of discourse serve as the material for the analysis: belles­lettres, nonconformist, judicial, political, mass­-media. The method of discourse analysis was the leading one while analyzing the functioning of public apology in various types of interaction. The method of contextual study of communicative situation was also applied.

Gender Aspects in the Use of Selfmentions (based on the Genre of TED Talks)

The article deals with gender aspects in the use of English selfmentions – phrases containing first person pronouns and possessive adjectives (I, we, me, us, my, our). The research is based on TED talks given by men and women, experts in different areas of expertise (medicine, psychology, politics, business, and neuroscience). Selfmentions are directly oriented to the image of the author and reflect the subjective-modal side of communication.
