International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Исследования отдельных жанров

The speech behavior pattern of «request» in Russian and German: a contrastive study

The paper presents the analysis of the speech behavior pattern of REQUEST in Russian and German. In the first part of paper the illocution of REQUEST is defined in terms of Natural Semantic Metalanguage. The contrastive research is carried out from three different angles. Firstly, from the structural viewpoint, main language patterns of the realization of REQUEST are described. Secondly, from the pragmatic viewpoint, it is considered whether and how the situations in which Germans and Russians express REQUEST are different.

Scientific result in research paper in linguistics

The article deals with a research paper in humanities and its text constitutive model. The research paper is presumed to be a source of information transfer, information mining and extraction. The linguo-epistemic approach offered is of relevance for expert’s assessment of scientific quality in addition to bibliometric indicators. The complex structure of scientific text reflects the interrelation between epistemic “old” and “new” knowledge.

Manipulative function of pronoun “we” in Russian and Chinese (the pragmatic aspect)

The given research is a continuation of the series of articles devoted to contrastive research in speech domination in the Russian and Chinese languages. In Chinese as well as in Russian, by using the pronoun «мы» («we») instead of other pronouns, an addresser substitutes the semantic composition of the subject and thereby manipulates the addressee in order to control the way the latter understands the message. As a result, he pronoun «мы» reflects common laws of communicative human behaviour in both languages.

Children's oath in the soviet era: speech genre characteristics

The oath in child's speech becomes a secondary character. The basis of the article conprices set expressions, functioning in an informal communication. Most of them appeared in the Soviet period, due to the specific role of ritual in the USSR and the characteristics of the Soviet system of the speech genres. The most significant differences between children's oath are: its formal organization (a narrower repertoire of specific components acting as a guarantee in the case of their verbalization, the possibility of rhyme, stability).

Polylogue: speech reality and literary technique

The article continues the discussion on the special status of polylogue – simultaneous speaking of several communicants. There are numerous examples from dramatic and prose works of Russian literature (A. Chekhov, Yu. Olesha, V. Aksyonov, L. Ulitskaja etc.), demonstrating the important role of polylogue as a literary technique. We consider the polylogue situation in real oral communication, and we describe its conditions and conclude that it does not meet the rules of successful communication. Polylogue indicates first of all disunity of communicants.

Comissive as a behavioral action: linguistic and cultural features

The paper deals with a problem of speech acts cultural analysis. Structurally and semantically, speech acts have been thoroughly investigated in Pragmalinguistics, but their cultural potential may be a new and interesting direction of studying cultural characteristics of speech. Comissives – speech action types expressing speaker’s intention to commit themselves to certain obligations – are represented by a number of actions, their most common prototype is a promise and their close correlate is a threat.

Oral professional dialogue as a complex speech genre

The article is devoted to the genre qualifications of oral professional dialogue, which is a little-known variety of informal verbal interaction among specialists. It is argued that professional communication, as opposed to other kinds of communication, is included in the context of professional activity, which is characterized by purposefulness, effectiveness and public significance.

Everyday urban genres (on the basis of speech of habitants of the Omsk)

The article is devoted to the urban speech practices of the early twenty-first century in inofficial and semi-official spheres. The following basic terms are offered: indicators of everyday oral colloquial speech, informative level, interactivity, colloquial genre. The analysis of collected material has shown that at speech interaction "at home" the model «the speaking subject-a situation-a subject of the speech-listening» comes up. at «outdoors» interation, the model «speaking subject – situation – listener» model prevails.

English Riddle

Riddle is a playful representation of a known object, figuratively coding its designation and assuming the direct name actualization of this object in a recipient's reaction. Riddles refer to the folklore genre, the basic functions of which are entertainment and enlightenment. These functions are expressed in constitutive features of the riddle and its textual construction. The article focuses on such English riddle features, as indirectness, axiological and heuristic game character, fascinativeness, as well as manipulative potential.

Speech genre «author’s autograph on the book»

The article is devoted to the autograph as a genre of natural writing speech. The object of researcher’s attention is presented by memorable inscriptions (signatures), handwritten by authors on fiction books. Texts-autographs are realized through natural written activity of a person, possess typical features peculiar to genres of natural written speech in general (according to N.B. Lebedeva’s classification). It allows to relate autograph to this particular type of genres. The leading genre-formative parameter of texts-autographs is their manuscript nature.
