International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Markasova E. V., Tian W. Manipulative function of pronoun “we” in Russian and Chinese (the pragmatic aspect). Speech Genres, 2016, no. 2(14), pp. 79-86. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2016-2-14-79-86

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Manipulative function of pronoun “we” in Russian and Chinese (the pragmatic aspect)

Markasova Elena Valeryevna, Peking University
Tian Wantziuan, Peking University

The given research is a continuation of the series of articles devoted to contrastive research in speech domination in the Russian and Chinese languages. In Chinese as well as in Russian, by using the pronoun «мы» («we») instead of other pronouns, an addresser substitutes the semantic composition of the subject and thereby manipulates the addressee in order to control the way the latter understands the message. As a result, he pronoun «мы» reflects common laws of communicative human behaviour in both languages. Differences in grammar can «soften» the manipulative influence of the pronoun «мы» in Chinese language compared to Russian.

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