International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Исследования отдельных жанров

Communicative space of intercity traffic in a genre aspect

The article attempts to present communicative space of intercity traffic in the aspect of genre differentiation, focusing on a small written genre as a primitive text of road communication. This article covers a system of small written genres (advertisements, signboards, posters, signs), their specificity is conditioned by a number of extralinguistic factors. Attention is drawn to the regional marks of the studied texts.

Symptom and/or complaint: semiotic aspect

This article considers the explication of the notions «complaint speech genre» and «symptom» in medical discourse. Communicative system of medical discourse is defined as a combined-type system due to the interaction of nozological and clinical paradigms. In the aspect of a semiotic approach a symptom is treated as a sign means that shows characteristics of three major types of a sign in their relative hierarchy.

Hospital discourse: narratives, remarks, dialogs

The research is based on personal observations made while staying in municipal hospital and notes taken at the surgery of the mentioned hospital from November, 21 till December, 4 of 2015. The focus is on the following pairs of communicators: the doctor – the patient, the nurse - the patient, the nurse – the nurse, the patient – the family member, the patient – the patient. The article deals with a problem of interception, following A.V. Nagornaya, who based her research on English literary texts.

Repentance: human life, activity concept or genre?

The phenomenon of «repentance» has been analyzed from the perspective of various sciences: communicative linguistics, linguocognitology, genristics, theolinguistics. Repentance is a genuine recognition of the fault, error, sin, regret at the offense. This understanding is related to a domestic repentance – a strong emotional experience, which is correlated with a sense of shame for him/herself and his/her actions (a secular approach to this phenomenon). In the spotlight is the intersection of the repentance concept with the repentance genre and dialogue.

Religious functional style in the genre aspect: problem statement

This article is devoted to the description of genre system of religious style. The basis of the proposed classification of genres advanced by the author is the constructive principle of pretextuality reflecting such extralinguistic factors forming the style as religious consciousness and religious activities. The principle of pretextuality ensures succession preservation of religious concepts. The prototext in Christianity is the Gospel, which contains the genre samples, canonized invariant genre models which are offered to call protogenres.

Genres of sublegislative discourse

The issue of classifying and structuring genres of sublegislative discourse is under consideration. The premise is found to be M.M. Bakhtin's proposition of dialogic imagination. The well-defined system of genres was developed under the influence of goals and strategies of discourse, the character of institutional interaction, variety of social and communicative events. Structuring genres was based on: 1) character of the leading intention and community of functional purpose.

The speech behavior pattern of «request» in Russian and German: a contrastive study

The paper presents the analysis of the speech behavior pattern of REQUEST in Russian and German. In the first part of paper the illocution of REQUEST is defined in terms of Natural Semantic Metalanguage. The contrastive research is carried out from three different angles. Firstly, from the structural viewpoint, main language patterns of the realization of REQUEST are described. Secondly, from the pragmatic viewpoint, it is considered whether and how the situations in which Germans and Russians express REQUEST are different.

Scientific result in research paper in linguistics

The article deals with a research paper in humanities and its text constitutive model. The research paper is presumed to be a source of information transfer, information mining and extraction. The linguo-epistemic approach offered is of relevance for expert’s assessment of scientific quality in addition to bibliometric indicators. The complex structure of scientific text reflects the interrelation between epistemic “old” and “new” knowledge.

Manipulative function of pronoun “we” in Russian and Chinese (the pragmatic aspect)

The given research is a continuation of the series of articles devoted to contrastive research in speech domination in the Russian and Chinese languages. In Chinese as well as in Russian, by using the pronoun «мы» («we») instead of other pronouns, an addresser substitutes the semantic composition of the subject and thereby manipulates the addressee in order to control the way the latter understands the message. As a result, he pronoun «мы» reflects common laws of communicative human behaviour in both languages.

Children's oath in the soviet era: speech genre characteristics

The oath in child's speech becomes a secondary character. The basis of the article conprices set expressions, functioning in an informal communication. Most of them appeared in the Soviet period, due to the specific role of ritual in the USSR and the characteristics of the Soviet system of the speech genres. The most significant differences between children's oath are: its formal organization (a narrower repertoire of specific components acting as a guarantee in the case of their verbalization, the possibility of rhyme, stability).
