International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Исследования отдельных жанров

Ideological word “people” as carnivalization in russian anecdotes

The verbalization of the ideological word “people” in Russian anecdote texts is described, and the Russian ethnic self-stereotypes in humoristic context are studied. It is concluded that the Russian national character after anecdote data corresponds to the Russian national character as a whole.

The formation and development of the genre "written request" (on the material of the Siberian archives)

The article is devoted the history of petitions in Russian office management as а genre.  For illustration of their composition in ХVIII - the beginning of the ХХ  centuries use the documents of the Siberian archives. Analysis of the pleading documents showed that they are focused on the dialogue between the addressee (downstream) and the recipient (parent entities), which reflects the nature of the relationship authorities and subordinates and their linguistic form.

Figural basis of comical texts of minimal structure (on the basis of russian newspapers)

The article demonstrates various speech figures forming the relevant stylistical basis of newspaper comic genres of a minimal text structure. It also shows the existing tendencies in dominant figurative means in the most widely spread genres. names of figures are suggested that have no acceptional terminological designation. Thus the problem of systematic description of small-size newspaper genres of comical nature may be settled, and the notion of potential formation of stylistical figures may be broadened.

Comment as a speech genre and its variability

This work is done within the framework of the theory of speech genres. The article raises the problem of differentiation of variability of speech genres and homonymy. In the example of different texts comments seeks to identify variants and of similar genres. There are cases of the use of "masks" of the genre for the realizing the texts of other genres. As a criterion for distinguishing, use the parameters of genres.

Is irony a speech genre? (once again, about some features of irony)

In the article the author examines the different points of view on a popular question of current theory of speech genres: whether irony is a speech genre.

The name calling communication genre: German vs. Russian names of human body parts as a source of derogatory idioms

Research is made of different means of name calling. Under examination is derogatory attitudes between German and Russian vocabularies.  Close connections are established between the  body,  waste and moral qualities of the person. These relations are nationally specific, which allows one to define a number of ethnic preferences characteristic of the nations analyzed.

Dirty hands: Bribery in Russian anecdote

The study of the speech-genre and formal-semantic properties of Russian anecdotes on bribery is based the corpus of anecdotes, which also include jokes of Russian-speaking Ukrainians, differing from Russian ones only in the names of the “protagonists” appearing in them. It is established that the main means of creating a pun in a joke are the lexical and grammatical polysemy and homonymy, playing off the phonetic similarities and spontaneous humor.

Student comments on a professor’s rating as an evaluating speech genre in Russian and American educational discourse

This article focuses on the speech genre “student comments on a professor’s rating” which belongs to the domain of quality assurance in higher education. Both aspects are meaningful for the theory of speech genres and the system of higher education. The article analyses the communicative concept “student feedback on teaching” which is related to the speech genre under research.

The pragmalinguistic analysis of legislative genre (based on texts of german laws)

As a rule, legal genres are subdivided into three large thematic groups: “Legislation” (laws, regulations, instructions, acts, orders), “Case law” (judicial decisions, appeals, protocols, court orders and court inquiries), “Official documentation” (official correspondence, reports, contracts). This research focuses on the pragmalinguistic and linguo-stylistic analysis of German legislative texts. The authors describe the characteristics of legislative genres and single out their general and special language functions.

Academic article: Trends in model changes

The article aims to determine the changes in the model of the speech genre of the Russian academic article in the field of humanities over the past 120 years. Methodologically, the analysis is focused mainly on identifying cognitive (logical-structural), pragmalinguistic (identifying the leading speech strategies) and forma (the form, article sections, text volume) characteristics of articles.
