International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

речевой жанр

Cultural Specificity of the “Housing” – “Family” Metaphor in Kazakh Wedding Toast

The article deals with some aspects of a metaphorical understanding of the concept of “family” in Kazakh culture. The study is based on the material of the texts of Kazakh wedding toasts. This variety of the speech genre of the toast is characterized by typification and variability, determined by conventional language norms and norms of speech communication.

Public Apology: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

The article describes the genre of public apology in the diachronic and synchronic aspects. The data from different types of discourse serve as the material for the analysis: belles­lettres, nonconformist, judicial, political, mass­-media. The method of discourse analysis was the leading one while analyzing the functioning of public apology in various types of interaction. The method of contextual study of communicative situation was also applied.

Gender Aspects in the Use of Selfmentions (based on the Genre of TED Talks)

The article deals with gender aspects in the use of English selfmentions – phrases containing first person pronouns and possessive adjectives (I, we, me, us, my, our). The research is based on TED talks given by men and women, experts in different areas of expertise (medicine, psychology, politics, business, and neuroscience). Selfmentions are directly oriented to the image of the author and reflect the subjective-modal side of communication.

Judicial expert opinion as a speech genre (based on judicial medical expertise)

The article describes the model of the genre of “judicial expert opinion” and considers a medical expert opinion as its example. A judicial expert opinion is defined as a written text including the research and conclusions on the issues posed to the expert by the person conducting the criminal proceedings, or by the defense or prosecution. This text functions simultaneously in two branches: in jurisprudence, as a document, and in a certain field of science that is related to the field of expert knowledge, in this case in medicine.

Contact excursion: Speech genre vs communicative event

The article deals with the problem of the relationship between two linguistic theories: a speech genre theory and a speech act theory. The research is based on the genre of a contact excursion. From the point of view of genre studies a contact excursion is a speech genre and it can be described using the “speech genre questionnaire” proposed by T. V.
