International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

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Insincere speech acts and insincere speech genres

This article is devoted to justification of insincere speech genres. Speech genre is understood to be a form of utterance through which a speech act is being realized.

Speech genre: the unit of product structuring of speech activity

The article discusses the problem of speech genre theory development.  There are three specific areas that require either  extending interpretations of the speech genre concept, or imposing a new specializing term. First, intergenre phenomena of administrative discourse remain outside speech genre. Then, the concept of genre is not relevant for discursive activity product analysis, because it is associated with oral and written text. Finally, in speech genre theory seems to be perspective study of the cognitive and psycholinguistic aspect.

From the mastery of a speech genre researcher to discoveries in text linguistics (Book Review: Turaeva Z. Ya. From the writer's mastery to the reader's discoveries: In search of the essence of the text. Moscow: LENAND, 2016. 144 p.)

This review presents a new book on the fundamental categories of «text» and «culture» as they emerge among the research priorities of humanities and linguistics in the beginning of the 21st century. Authored by Z. Ya. Turaeva, this book discusses a wide scope of problems that were in the focus of linguistic research at the turn of the millennium. These problems range from text models to linguistic demagogy and linguistics of lies. from the text addressee and ethno-psychological features of addressing the text to intertextuality.

Rumors in the paradigm of linguistic genristics

The present article provides a comprehensive analysis of rumors as an informative genre transmitting unauthorized news. The goal of this genre is mass distribution of initially oral current news, the authorship and reliability (veracity) of which are uncertain and for which no one is liable.

The speech genre of a scientific review: A view at the assessment as-sertiveness

Assessment is a compulsory semantic component of the speech genre of a scientific review. The evaluative nature of the scientific review along with its dependence on norms of science-based ethics determines the significance of such category as assertiveness for the speech genre.

Encyclopedic article: Three discourses of one genre

The genre of Russian-language encyclopedia articles is analyzed in terms of the impact of socio-cultural context and the stylistic system of the language. We compare the three most significant publications in the chronological range from the end of the XIX century to the present. We discuss the circumstances that contributed to the transformation of the purely scientific genre to the scientific reference work.

On style-genre partnership

The article is dedicated to the speech genre as a unifying basis for different theories of style. We clarify the notions of language, speech, dis-course, text in terms of «language phenomena» aspects singled out by L. V. Scherba. Terminological stability allows us to outline four approaches to style definition: cognitive, systemic-structural, textual and communicative. The cognitive aspect of style corresponds to the «system of concepts and strategies of usage». In this view, the speech genre allows for diverse definitions.

Intertextual aspect of speech genres

This article discusses intertextuality, a critical but still an under-researched aspect of speech genres (SG). We focus on the intertextual content of Michael Bakhtin’s concept of the SG which he viewed as the «word of the other». The concept of a secondary genre (in terms of the diachronic nature of the SG) is shown as essential and several classifications of secondary SGs based on intertextuality are proposed.

Speech genre as means of creating the communicative strategies and tactics (based on the genre of buffoonery in British culture)

The article is devoted to the study of one of the aspects of the speech genre «buffoonery», which has been formed and become very popular lately within the British culture. The problem of the relationship between the concepts of a speech genre, a speech act, a communicative strategy etc. are widely discussed in the linguistic literature. It gets obvious that there can be no clear and definite differentiation of these concepts. All the concepts mentioned can be designated by the same way according to the angle of their consideration and their functioning in the text.

Communicative space of intercity traffic in a genre aspect

The article attempts to present communicative space of intercity traffic in the aspect of genre differentiation, focusing on a small written genre as a primitive text of road communication. This article covers a system of small written genres (advertisements, signboards, posters, signs), their specificity is conditioned by a number of extralinguistic factors. Attention is drawn to the regional marks of the studied texts.
