International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

речевой жанр

The structure of flirtation as a speech genre in dialogues of Soviet intelligentsia: Composite genres and subgenres (based on plays by L. Zorin and V. Azernikov)

The article studies speech behavior of the class of Soviet intelligentsia in communicative situations of flirting. The research is based on Soviet comedy plays of the 1960s–1970s: “Dobryaki”, “Entsiklopedisty”, “Tranzit”, “Pokrovskie vorota”, “Teatral’naya fantaziya” by Leonid Zorin and “Vozmozhny varianty” by Valentin Azernikov. The relevance of the topic is related to the increased interest ofmodern linguistics in the verbal means typical of romantic discourse in general and of the genre of flirting in particular.

Shaming as a Speech Genre

The article views a speech genre shaming understood as a person’s public censure or criticism leading to cultivating in them a feeling of shame or guilt, which contributes to their loss of reputation and respect in an online community. The author also clarifies the designation and underlying intentions which give an opportunity to delimit shaming from other Internet genres of aggressive nature (such as flame, trolling, holy war, hating, cyberbullying / sybermobbing, cyberstalking, and griefing) and to give its exact definition.

Variants of the warning speech genre and their modus indicators

In the article, the authors refer to the history of the study of preventive statements, where the semantics of the notice and warning are not distinguished. The genre approach allowed the authors to qualify the warning and the notice as a diffuse zone in the system of speech genres, and the warning is considered as a poly-intentional speech genre and it is proposed to distinguish between two variants of the genre based on the identification of the leading intention.

“Frank confession” in institutional and everyday communication: speech genre or speech action

The article views the specific communicative situation “frank confession” in institutional (legal) and personality-oriented (everyday) discourses. The author attempts to determine its genre affiliation in the discourses.

Типология авторов народных военных мемуаров (на материале текстов естественной письменной речи)

Настоящая статья затрагивает актуальные проблемы изучения такого речевого жанра как народные мемуары и посвящена выявлению и описанию типов языковой личности в мемуарных рукописных (естественных) текстах. За основу взяты оригинальные тексты авторов народных мемуаров. В исследовании разработаны оппозиции, на основании которых произведён анализ двух языковых персон с присвоением номинаций для данных языковых личностей.

From hooligans to thrash talk: Evolution of the genre

The article deals with the thrash talk as a speech genre. The term, which came to modern Russian from English, refers to a speech practice in which offensive statements are formulated against the opponent, designed to disturb the opponent’s psychological equanimity. It can be a form of bragging or insulting in competitive situations. The research was conducted in the context of Russian and foreign works on invective practice in Russian linguoculture, which not only represent a constant, but evolve as well.


В настоящей статье предпринята попытка провести сравнительный анализ судебного дискурса США и Канады с целью выявления национальных особенностей и специфических коммуникативных, жанровых и языковых характеристик, присущих профессиональному общению в сфере юриспруденции. Исследование было проведено на материале стенограмм и аудиозаписей заседаний Верховных судов вышеуказанных стран. Так как заседание суда понимается как сложное коммуникативное событие, включающее многообразные формы речевого взаимодействия, то и анализ можно осуществлять по разным параметрам.

«Чистосердечное признание» в институциональной и бытовой коммуникации: речевой жанр или речевой поступок

В статье рассматривается специфическая ситуация общения «чистосердечное признание» в институциональном (юридическом) и личностно ориентированном (бытовом) дискурсах и предпринимается попытка определить жанровую принадлежность в зависимости от дискурсивной реализации.

Genre forms in the children’s humoristic magazine “Veselye kartinki”: 1990s

The article is included in the circle of studies related to the study of genre characteristics of texts. The relevance of the study is determined by the changeable nature of speech genres, each of which contains traditional (archaic) genre-forming features, as well as new, changing ones. The aim of the undertaken research was to consider genre forms and features in the children’s comic magazine “Veselye Kartinki”. Issues of the period from 1985 to 1999 were selected as the research material.

Language and communicative ring, key, matrix: about the significance of the ideas of V.I. Karasik for communicative linguistics

In the article a brief overview of creativity of Prof. Vladimir Ilyich Karasik has been given in honor of his 60th anniversary in terms of communicative linguistics – theory of communication, discourse analysis, text linguistics, theory of speech genres, theory of communicative tonality, linguocultural theory of character types, for which his works were of great importance.
