International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

речевой жанр

The subgenre “address” in the speech of the Soviet intelligentsia (abased on the Soviet dramatic texts of 1950–1980-s)

The present article deals with the subgenre ‘address’ in the speech behavior of members of the Soviet intelligentsia. The research is based on 9 Soviet plays of V. Azernikov, S. Aleshin, A. Arbuzov, L. Zorin, S. Mikhalkov, M. Roshchin. The character’s education, profession, the author’s description, the actual speech portrait of the character (lexical, stylistic, communicative content), moral qualities of the character were important criteria for definition of a member of intelligentsia.

From medical dialogue to existential conflict: The dynamics of speech genres in A. P. Chekhov “Enemies”

The article presents the analysis of the chains of speech genres in A. P. Chekhov’s short story “Enemies”. It is argued that the speech genres which formalize the social relationships of the main characters of the story lead to an understanding of the concept of the work, as well as reveal the essence of the title of the story. It is noted that the verbal interaction of the main characters of the narrative is a system of interconnected speech genres.

Article Hedges vs boosters: Communicative mitigation and enhancement in the genre of dissertation review

The article presents the results of the cross-disciplinary research which focuses on the two types of discourse markers – hedges and boosters and their use in Russian official dissertation reviews. The study is based on reviews of official opponents and external reviewers of PhD theses on linguistics, literary criticism, history, physics, chemistry and medicine. The reviews were borrowed from the online pages of dissertation councils of Russian universities.

Speech-genre representation of the food tradition (based on Vologda dialects)

Modern dialectology develops in compliance with anthropocentric linguistics and it is a polyparadigmatic scientific field in which one of the leading positions is currently occupied by the communicative direction. The peculiarities of the genre nature of the dialect text is one of the topical directions of communicative dialectology. The article presents the study of the speech-genre representation of the food tradition which existed in the past and currently exists in the villages of the Vytegorsky and Totemsky districts in Vologda Oblast.

Речевой жанр криминальной угрозы и его специфика в интернет-коммуникации

Предпринимается попытка исследовать криминальную угрозу как речевой жанр проявления вербальной агрессии. Утверждается, что угроза чаще всего встречается в текстах современной интернет-коммуникации, характеристика которой близка к синтетической устно-письменной форме общения и разговорному жанру. Подчеркивается, что в современных исследованиях угроза рассматривается с юридической и лингвистической точки зрения. Обосновывается мысль о том, что высказывания угрозы существуют двух основных типов – угроза-предупреждение, включающее каузируемое действие, и угроза-наказание.

Friend, Teacher, Genre researcher (Review of the book: Prirashcheniye smysla: sbornik nauchnykh statey k yubileyu Tatiany Viktorovny Shmelyovoy. Moscow, RU-SCIENCE, 2021. 320 p.)

This review was written in response to the publication of a collection of research articles dedicated to Tatiana V. Shmelyova’s anniversary. Therefore, all articles included in the collection “Increment of Meaning” are related to one of the leading Russian studies researchers of our time, her scientific interests and studies, among which are syntax, philology, speech genres, onomastics, media linguistics, history of science, and key words of the present moment.

An Internet comment as a speech genre: Axiological aspect

The article presents the analysis of evaluation in the speech genre “Internet comment” and focuses on the ways and means of its expression. The research is based on the comments on Instagram (organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) posts about sports, namely figure skating. The authors of the article define two relevant factors determining axiological characteristics of the Internet comment: anonymity of Internet communication and the desire of many users to stand out from other commentators.

Popular science articles about animals: Speech genre characteristics and their dynamics (based on the Soviet press of the 20th century and publications in Runet of the 21st century)

The article carries out a comparative genre analysis of popular science articles about animals in the Soviet press of the 20th century, and in the Runet of the 21st century. The research is based on a model that includes the following items: animal; author and addressee; society (community of readers of the article about animals) and the state of literature; language.

Речежанровые заимствования в образовательном дискурсе: аксиологический аспект

В статье рассматривается заимствованный из американской и западноевропейской образовательной традиции речевой жанр отзыва-комментария студента о преподавателе, представляющий собой аксиологически ориентированный текст. Статья продолжает исследование оценочных речевых жанров образовательного дискурса, рассматривая проблему речежанровых заимствований в аксиологическом ракурсе. Целью настоящего исследования является лингвоаксиологический анализ публичных оценочных высказываний студентов, комментирующих свое отношение к преподаванию.

The structure of flirtation as a speech genre in dialogues of Soviet intelligentsia: Composite genres and subgenres (based on plays by L. Zorin and V. Azernikov)

The article studies speech behavior of the class of Soviet intelligentsia in communicative situations of flirting. The research is based on Soviet comedy plays of the 1960s–1970s: “Dobryaki”, “Entsiklopedisty”, “Tranzit”, “Pokrovskie vorota”, “Teatral’naya fantaziya” by Leonid Zorin and “Vozmozhny varianty” by Valentin Azernikov. The relevance of the topic is related to the increased interest ofmodern linguistics in the verbal means typical of romantic discourse in general and of the genre of flirting in particular.
