International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Жанры в художественном творчестве

Subject plot symbolism in allegories (on the material of mediaeval Armenian fables)

The paper deals with edifications expressed in Armenian fables of the XII–XIII centuries. These narratives describe common situations of overcoming serious difficulties, interrelations between authorities and people, and paradoxical unpredictability of existence. Three main topics presented in the narratives have been analyzed – the attitudes to the world, to authorities and to human character.

The genre of prayer in the diary discourse of Leo Tolstoy

The article is aimed to consider the genre of prayer presented in the diaries of Leo Tolstoy. An analysis of the entries reveals that over the course of his life Tolstoy recorded several dozen prayers he made up. The article examines recorded appeals to God in syntactic, semantic and pragmatic terms. The research uses methods of description, conceptual and pragmatic analysis. The study reveals that Tolstoy violates the accepted canons, modelling an individual appeal to God.

The category of dialogicality as realization of novel genre potential

The category of discursive dialogicality is considered, represented in a literary text that exists on the border of two social discourses – literature and law. The semantic domain of the interdiscourse, as a heterogeneous linguosociocultural space in which two different discourses interact, is open, mobile and dialogically conditioned. The aim of the paper is to reconstruct the cooperative model of dialogical interaction of the stated discourses, i.e.


Статья посвящена вопросам развития жанра поэтической сатиры в творчестве кумыкского автора Наби Ханмурзаева (1893-1950). Не подлежит сомнению, что исследование видов и разновидностей сатиры в национальных литературах народов России и, в частности, дагестанской поэзии первой половины XX века станет актуальным и востребованным, так как сатира острее всего реагирует на социально-политические повороты в жизни любого народа и наиболее объективно отражает действительность. Объектом и целью рассматриваемой статьи являются сатирическая поэзия Н.

Amor: Verbalization of romantic love in the song genre

The article deals with the ideas about romantic love in the song genre. The research is based Spanish-language texts of Julio Iglesias’ songs. It is established that romantic love is a rather vague concept that allows at least four interpretations: love-passion, intensity of love in general, falling in love and a specific love feeling that has its own characteristics.

Values of power in Anglo-Saxon heroic epos of the early Middle Ages

The concern of this study is to explore the values of power that form its images in Anglo-Saxon epic culture of the early Middle Ages. The research is based on the epic poem “Beowulf” and applies cultural approach to linguistic study of social phenomena.

The subgenre “address” in the speech of the Soviet intelligentsia (abased on the Soviet dramatic texts of 1950–1980-s)

The present article deals with the subgenre ‘address’ in the speech behavior of members of the Soviet intelligentsia. The research is based on 9 Soviet plays of V. Azernikov, S. Aleshin, A. Arbuzov, L. Zorin, S. Mikhalkov, M. Roshchin. The character’s education, profession, the author’s description, the actual speech portrait of the character (lexical, stylistic, communicative content), moral qualities of the character were important criteria for definition of a member of intelligentsia.

The genre features of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s memoirs

The article justifies that A. I. Solzhenitsyn expands the potential of the memoir genre by synthesizing techniques of different genres and creating new ways of displaying History. The growing interest in the memoirs of the 20th century, in particular in Solzhenitsyn’s memoirs, in recent decades makes the research topical. Solzhenitsyn considers the truth of history as a priority, and the completeness of the material and polyphony of its presentation as necessary requirements. The research aims at presenting the originality of Solzhenitsyn’s memoirs.

Poetics of human interaction in K. D. Ushinsky’s essay “A Travel to Volhov”

Publicistics in all variety of its genres is traditionally perceived as a shaky boundary between the fictional imaginative interaction and interaction lit by the worldly life experience of the author / narrator and equipped by factual authenticity. In this connection it seems worthwhile to introduce into genre studies most meaningful fictional and publicistic publications of different (including really distant from us) cultural-historical periods, where one can find abundant data which will help us understand poetics of human interaction.

From medical dialogue to existential conflict: The dynamics of speech genres in A. P. Chekhov “Enemies”

The article presents the analysis of the chains of speech genres in A. P. Chekhov’s short story “Enemies”. It is argued that the speech genres which formalize the social relationships of the main characters of the story lead to an understanding of the concept of the work, as well as reveal the essence of the title of the story. It is noted that the verbal interaction of the main characters of the narrative is a system of interconnected speech genres.
