International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

speech genre

Internet memes in the structure of comic speech genres

The article describes the Internet memes that are widely used in the Internet sphere as a part of the comic speech genres. Internet memes are considered a specific type of precedent phenomena. The possibilities of achieving comic effect and identifying the speech genres that incorporate Internet memes are defined as a coincidence of elements of the cultural background of communicants and common presuppositions.

Speech genre “reminder” in contemporary mass literature

This article is devoted to the secondary speech genre “reminder”, which is widely used in contemporary mass literature. This genre reflects the author’s orientation on the limited store of knowledge of a potential reader. In a dialogue with the reader, the authors of mass literature try to create a feeling of intellectual comfort. The status of a cultured person is correlated with the ability, at least superficially, to navigate the world of classic literature.

Speech genres of the journalistic discourse

The article describes the classification of journalistic speech genres, which is based on communicative intentions. Genres were classified twice: taking into account the leading motives of journalistic activity, informing, assessment, and incentive genres were separated firstly. the subsequent genre differentiation was made within the groups in view of the subject component of the purposes. As an example of stylistic realization of genre the author analyzes the substantive structure of the “Message on the situation” speech genre.

Communicative deviations and circumstances of efficiency of speech genre

The article presents an analysis of the problem of the efficiency of construction and perception of speech genres in cooperative communication.

Dirty hands: Bribery in Russian anecdote

The study of the speech-genre and formal-semantic properties of Russian anecdotes on bribery is based the corpus of anecdotes, which also include jokes of Russian-speaking Ukrainians, differing from Russian ones only in the names of the “protagonists” appearing in them. It is established that the main means of creating a pun in a joke are the lexical and grammatical polysemy and homonymy, playing off the phonetic similarities and spontaneous humor.

Student comments on a professor’s rating as an evaluating speech genre in Russian and American educational discourse

This article focuses on the speech genre “student comments on a professor’s rating” which belongs to the domain of quality assurance in higher education. Both aspects are meaningful for the theory of speech genres and the system of higher education. The article analyses the communicative concept “student feedback on teaching” which is related to the speech genre under research.

Academic article: Trends in model changes

The article aims to determine the changes in the model of the speech genre of the Russian academic article in the field of humanities over the past 120 years. Methodologically, the analysis is focused mainly on identifying cognitive (logical-structural), pragmalinguistic (identifying the leading speech strategies) and forma (the form, article sections, text volume) characteristics of articles.

The language image of the elderly person in the light of evaluating speech genres

Modern linguistic anthropology is characterized by the integration of methods and means of the research reflected in the language of knowledge about the world and the person. It uses instrumental opportunities of the genre theory for semantic modelling of the language image of the person. The substantiation of the research of the language image of the person in the speech genre aspect is given in the article. Meanings, represented by language units of different levels, are focused in the speech genre.

The classification of speech genres used in the sphere of institutional (medical) discourse (on the based of works by Russian writers – doctors)

In the article the typological classification of speech genres used in the sphere of institutional (medical) discourse is first presented. In the article the applicability of concept “paradigms” in the medical discourse is substantiated. It is marked that paradigmal units stipulating paradigmatics of medical discourse can be subdivided into two types: 1) basic paradigms functioning in the common model of anamnesis, and 2) highly specialized patterns related to certain aspects of common paradigms.

Administrative announcement as a speech genre

This article is devoted to studying the administrative announcement as a speech genre in Russian language. Administrative announcement is considered as an complex informative and imperative speech genre of natural and official written language, which register changes in communication and culture. Administrative announcement as an administrative and regulating sort of text completes an important role in social interaction regulating.
