International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


On the proof of the concept of 'figurative genre' (for example tsenton)

The historical origins of cento and its correlation with adjacent phenomenonа are examined. The code of rules of production of cento as a compilative genre is arranged. The conditions of its success are analysed. The question of the relationship of cento to verse and prosaic forms of speech is scrutinized.

Literary forecast genre in modern criticism

The article deals with the problem of the genre, which is studied in the theoretical-critical and historicalliterary aspects. The results of the comparative typological analysis of texts containing judgments about the future of literature give ground to talk about the literary forecast as an independent genre and thus update the existing classifications. The genre carriers are the topic, problems, tasks of the critic, as well as the structure of the text, the image of the literature.

Genology of usual texts

The aim of the article is to characterize the basic assumptions and developments of current research within linguistic genology of usual texts. It's about phrases for specific practical purposes. Their genological presentation covers the most important concepts in the subdiscipline, which can also be referred to as linguistic genology. The article is a discussion about the Polish research on genres of phrases, including the foundations for this theory made by Bakhtin.

Concept of communicative behavior and genre

This article focuses on linguistic-culural concepts of communicative behavior in Russin and English discourses and highlights their varieties: concepts-events and attributive regulative concepts. The former are modeled as a dynamic frame – scenario of a specific situation and correspond to a speech genre / speech act. The latter, attributive concepts of communicative behavior, characterize situation as a whole. they correspond to the quality slot in a concept-event frame and are verbalized by discourse strategies or tactics.

Genre «letter in the pack»: discursive construction of the addresser and the addressee

The paper focuses on the commercial genre «letter in the pack», specifically on the discursive construction of the addresser and the addressee. Methodologically, the author draws on speech genre theory and social constructionism to demonstrate how the categorized and typified personal experience of the addresser is transmitted onto the addressee and how this results in the construction of the axiologically charged system «addresser – addressee».

Repentance: human life, activity concept or genre?

The phenomenon of «repentance» has been analyzed from the perspective of various sciences: communicative linguistics, linguocognitology, genristics, theolinguistics. Repentance is a genuine recognition of the fault, error, sin, regret at the offense. This understanding is related to a domestic repentance – a strong emotional experience, which is correlated with a sense of shame for him/herself and his/her actions (a secular approach to this phenomenon). In the spotlight is the intersection of the repentance concept with the repentance genre and dialogue.

Religious functional style in the genre aspect: problem statement

This article is devoted to the description of genre system of religious style. The basis of the proposed classification of genres advanced by the author is the constructive principle of pretextuality reflecting such extralinguistic factors forming the style as religious consciousness and religious activities. The principle of pretextuality ensures succession preservation of religious concepts. The prototext in Christianity is the Gospel, which contains the genre samples, canonized invariant genre models which are offered to call protogenres.

Oral professional dialogue as a complex speech genre

The article is devoted to the genre qualifications of oral professional dialogue, which is a little-known variety of informal verbal interaction among specialists. It is argued that professional communication, as opposed to other kinds of communication, is included in the context of professional activity, which is characterized by purposefulness, effectiveness and public significance.

Online petition as a genre in the context of feminist discourse

The paper explores the online petition as a genre in feminist discourse. The author aims at revealing how the meanings are constructed that characterise modern feminist discourse as well as how structural and textual features are related to the social charge of the genre. The data contain 18 online petitions written in different countries, whose authors set the task to change the position and living conditions of women.

Representation of Judicial Power in the Genres of Russian Print Media

The present study is devoted to the problem of discursive construction of judicial power in Russian print media. The purpose of the article is to distinguish the dominating genres through which the work of the institution is revealed. The author indicates that some genres are characterized by typical representations of the judiciary. The article analyses the use of informational, analytical and publicist genre groups. The researcher reveals characteristic features in the use of genres chosen by papers supporting opposite ideologies.
