International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Guo X. Stylistic features and genre representations of religious vocabulary in contemporary Russian language. Speech Genres, 2022, vol. 17, iss. 1 (33), pp. 38-42. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2022-17-1-33-38-42, EDN: DABMGT

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Stylistic features and genre representations of religious vocabulary in contemporary Russian language

Guo Xueyao, Kazan Federal University

The article observes stylistic features and genre representations of religious vocabulary in contemporary Russian language. The study of the development of terminological systems in certain areas of knowledge and their role in the development of a language is one of the most important problems in modern linguistics. The solution to this problem is to study the great variety of sources of spiritual, academic, business, journalistic and other areas of human activity. Religious vocabulary is the richest layer of the Russian language. The study of the use of religious terminology in the functional styles of Russian makes it possible to clearly identify the psychological, categorical and subject meanings of this type of vocabulary in the system of indigenous language of Russians. The aim of this research is to study styles and genres in which religious lexemes are found in modern Russian. This is explained by the fact that language and religion are closely related. The influence of religion on language is an indisputable fact, because in every religion there is a number of lexemes that relate only to a particular faith. At the same time, some religious lexemes have become common and formed a part of the active vocabulary of Russians. That is why we observe the following situation in the Russian language: religious terms appear in all styles of speech.

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