International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Prom N. A. Dialogization of discourse and genre in media. Speech Genres, 2022, vol. 17, iss. 2 (34), pp. 146-155. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2022-17-2-34-146-155, EDN: EYLJCP

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Dialogization of discourse and genre in media

Prom Natalia Aleksandrovna, Volgograd State Technical University

The article studies dialogization of media monologue messages aimed at intensifying the interiorization of new information into the addressee’s picture of the world by stimulating a dialogue with the audience. There have been singled out two levels of dialogization–discourse and genre. The analysis of the media content in the advertising and political types of communication, as well as discussions and talk shows on any topic, suggested that the most effective factor stimulating the recipient’s response is the provocativeness of the discourse, found in the topic under discussion, categorical statements, controversial points of view and defiant behavior of the participants. The author analyses communicative ways of dialogization of three genre types–informative, evaluative and incentive genres (according to L. Duskaeva’s classification). The study has found that important factors determining the dialogization of discourse and genre are the interactivity of the information and communication system and the convergence of genres, the product of which is, for example, such social network genres as a blog and a forum which in their modern form depend only on the creative potential of their authors. Particular attention is paid to the dialogization of the social advertising genre which does not imply interactivity, but the real objective indicator of its effectiveness is the audience’s awareness of the problem and their subsequent actions. The author presents two directions of dialogization: firstly, the strengthening of dialogueness and interactivity with the help of rhetorical means and techniques that appeal to the addressee; secondly, the verbal expression of the interaction of two or more semantic positions, a form of representation of media facts, which presupposes the reaction of the audience.

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