International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


The functions of the “basic models” in the formation of a pastoral-sentimental genre matrix in N. M. Karamzin’s prose (“Wooden Leg”, “Eugene and Julia”)

The article considers the category of “family resemblance” and the related category of “basic models” in the aspect of genre analysis using the example of two early works of N. M. Karamzin: the translation of S. Gesner’s idyll “Wooden Leg” and the first original story “Eugene and Julia”. The theory of “basic models” by J. Lakoff, created by the researcher for the needs of cognitive linguistics, with some reservations and modifications can be applied to the analysis of genre structures of both speech and literary genres.

The genre of the longread: A sociolinguistic aspect

Nowadays some experts call the multimedia longread the heir of the traditional journalistic genres. The longread successfully combines texts, illustrations, video materials and other elements aimed to attract the reader and holding their attention. The complicated longread in the Internet media is opposed to the short and simple shortread which occupies the main place in the information flow of modern people. The experts are alarming about the declining interest in reading long texts (primarily books) among young people.

Curses as a genre of Lezghi and Kumyk folklore

The article analyzes folk curses that have an emotional charge and relate to abusive language. Most often they are psychological or domestic in nature. Mostly, this kind of curse is pronounced unconsciously during a domestic quarrel or other conflict. They can be considered as a communicative, imperative and expletive formula. The purpose of the study is to analyze curses in which the speaker expresses dissatisfaction and indignation towards the listener.


The article focuses on the functions of the semicolon in British news media discourse. Being a part of the written standard, a tool to give sense to writing, punctuation must be considered a very important set of norms of usage. Still, the semicolon is one of the most misused punctuation marks in modern English. The study reveals the findings of a detailed analysis of the use of semicolons in The Guardian articles. The semicolons were examined from the perspective of standard norms of punctuation usage.

Comment vs Internet comment: On the issue of the specific genre characteristics of virtual communication

This research presents the analysis of a comment as a reactive speech genre. The authors focus on its specific variation – Internet comment on various online materials (news, posts, blogs), widely presented in virtual communication. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the position that the Internet comment is a hybrid speech genre which is characterized, on the one hand, by the features of a traditional comment as a secondary genre and, on the other hand, by special features resulting from the virtual communication environment.

Genre PRology and convergence of genres of PR text

In the basis of a special area of genre PRology as a branch of the science of public relations the authors put the criterion of the diversity of PR-information in multi-channel public communication via new media. As a subject of genre PRology, the authors consider convergence of information formats of a PR text in a multi-channel PR. In the genre revision of PR communication in social media, the genre transformations of PR texts are influenced by the following factors: 1) technological, 2) intentional, 3) structural.

“It is evident that …”: Boosting as a strategy employed to express author’s commitment to the truth of a proposition (a corpus-based analysis of research article abstracts)

The article analyzes linguistic means used for boosting which is considered a crucial metadiscourse strategy regularly employed in the genre of research article abstracts. The study aims at identifying the types of booster and the frequency of occurrence of boosting markers in Russian-language research article abstracts in the field of soft and hard sciences. The study makes an attempt to reveal differences in the use of these metadiscourse patterns and suggest reasons for the uneven distribution of boosters in the two corpora.

Motivational speech: Specifics of the speech genre functioning

The study aims to describe the speech genre of “motivational speech” in English-speaking motivational discourse. The relevance and scientific novelty of the research are determined by the need to construct the definition of motivational discourse, to clarify its discursive intention and strategy, and to study and describe its genre specificity.

Genre quantification: The functioning of “brief” and “short” in the position of definitions of genre names

The relevance of the study of the quantitative dimension of genres, in particular genres of small format and short implementations of genres in general, has increased due to the need to “compress” information of various types in modern communications, insufficient knowledge of the patterns of functioning of short and abbreviated texts/discourses, attention to the quantitative aspects of speech in terms of their value.

The genre of prayer in the diary discourse of Leo Tolstoy

The article is aimed to consider the genre of prayer presented in the diaries of Leo Tolstoy. An analysis of the entries reveals that over the course of his life Tolstoy recorded several dozen prayers he made up. The article examines recorded appeals to God in syntactic, semantic and pragmatic terms. The research uses methods of description, conceptual and pragmatic analysis. The study reveals that Tolstoy violates the accepted canons, modelling an individual appeal to God.
