International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Kim L. G., Rolgayzer A. A. Comment vs Internet comment: On the issue of the specific genre characteristics of virtual communication. Speech Genres, 2024, vol. 19, iss. 3 (43), pp. 286-294. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2024-19-3-43-286-294, EDN: WZZOHY

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Comment vs Internet comment: On the issue of the specific genre characteristics of virtual communication

Kim Lidiya Gustovna, Kemerovo state University
Rolgayzer Anastasia Aleksandrovna, Kemerovo state University

This research presents the analysis of a comment as a reactive speech genre. The authors focus on its specific variation – Internet comment on various online materials (news, posts, blogs), widely presented in virtual communication. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the position that the Internet comment is a hybrid speech genre which is characterized, on the one hand, by the features of a traditional comment as a secondary genre and, on the other hand, by special features resulting from the virtual communication environment. The research solves several tasks: 1) to identify typological features of a comment as a reactive genre; 2) to establish the peculiarities of the Internet comment genre. The empirical material of the research consists of the contexts selected by a continuous sampling method from various Internet resources (news portals, blogs, entertainment news sites). The research is based on comparative method and the method of discourse analysis. As a result of a complex, intergrated analysis of various types of comments, a number of features inherent with the genre of the Internet comment have been revealed: polysubjectivity, the realization of centripetal and centrifugal tendencies which determine the development of dialogue between users, reflecting the subjective perception of the source text by the authors of Internet comments and their subjective cognitive and speech reactions, the realization of a special communicative purpose, language design and content, expressed through the predominance of modus over dictum, the peculiarities of the text design related to its technical aspect. In the context of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, the genre of the Internet comment is characterized by radial and wave principles of organization. Thus, the authors conclude that the Internet comment is a hybrid genre of virtual communication combining the characteristics of the traditional comment and other Internet genres. 

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