International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Общие проблемы теории речевых жанров


The article regards the problem of speech genre’s revelation in the mind of language speaker. In this respect, it proposes the complex approach to the investigation of speech genres which relies on the use of various sources of material including the data of associative experiment presented in the associative dictionary. The value of associative data is fully discussed in relation with such problems as the acquisition of speech genres by language speaker and their actual range in what they call “the genre competence”.


In this article, the two co-authors reflect on the linguistic and technical influences on the emerging speech genre, “The Lighthouse”. They describe its purpose and its communicative objectives, its environment and its register. The paper offers a general classification of quasi-written messages of the “Lighthouse”:  textual and non-textual content, personal and loan content. The paper looks at the changes in the linguistic standards and the arrival of the “new literacy”, from the language economy of the SMS to the use of emoji as a graphic dictionary.


In 1961 K. I. Chukovskiy wrote that the principal danger for Russian was “Bureaucratese”(канцелярит). It is the penetration of words, phrases, syntactic constructions typical of the style of the official relations in other styles (style of everyday life, academic style, belles lettres style). Such point of view is widely spread in Russia. It is connected with a very negative attitude to the official style in general, it is considered to be the language of bureaucratism, clich?s, indifference to people.


The article provides a brief overview of research works devoted to the ritual discourse as well as the analysis of the dependence of the degree of rituality on the type of discourse, genre, and extralinguistic factors. The article also gives an insight into functioning of ritualistic genres in British, American, and Russian political discourse in terms of diachronic and synchronic analysis.

Genres in Changing World: Creationistic Potentials of Speech Genres and Epistemological Potentials of the Theory of Speech Genres

        The article is devoted to the changes of speech genres and speech genre picture of modernity. The creationistic potentials of speech genres are conceptualized: how genres are involved in the creation of this picture due to their objective nature and potentials, which are considered in the article through the oppositions formed by pairs of opposing, interconnected tendencies: national-specific ? universal. linguistic ? extralinguistic. way from above ? way from below . development of new phenomena on the national (original) basis ? borrowing.

The Classification of Speech Genres of Institutional Discourse

The article is devoted to classification problem of speech genres. The research urgency is caused by the lack of a common typology of speech genres. It is noted that the classification of speech genres, the basis for which was the concept of institutionality, includes four groups namely: authentic, complementary, peripheral and external. In the proportional ratio range of authentic genres does not exceed variety of complementary and peripheral genres.

Speech Genres as an Object of Computer Analysis (Based on Academic Texts)

This paper presents the proposition that a speech genre as a relatively stable form of mental activity implemented in the text can be considered an object of cognitive modeling. The article contains a review of discourse concepts used in the computer text analysis.

Philosophy of Supersymmetry

The article presents a new focus on philosophy of knowledge: its birth, development and transformations. A. Solomonick distinguishes three subsequent phases in its development: mystical-religious approach to people’s knowledge acquisition. the first scientific stage in access to knowledge (from the middle of the second millennium until the XXth century). and the second scientific stage which is evolving in our time. The initial stage is based on the beliefs (faith) and on the authority of national leaders.

The Genres of Natural Writing “Personal Diary”, “Personal Letter”, “Personal Note”: Invariant and Variant

The article proves the possibility of researching the written speech genre from the perspective of linguistic variant studies and their description by means of the opposition ‘invariant variants’.

Utterance, Genre, Discourse: Semiotic Modeling

The paper deals with semiotic representation of dis­course treated as a text immersed in a communica­tive situation. In this respect discourse may be an­alyzed from the point of view of 1) its form and content correlation and 2) types of its content. The first approach makes it possible to single out three contextually relevant levels of discourse manifestation: 1) a concrete situationally bound utterance or text, 2) a text genre and 3) a discourse type. The sec­ond approach is aimed at description of semiotically relevant contensive types of discourse.
