International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Общие проблемы теории речевых жанров

Actual problems of indirect communication and its genres: a view from 2013

In the article the aspects of the problem of indirect communication in linguistics of the last ten years have been discussed. A brief overview of the state of modern linguistics and its place in the problems of indirect communication has been provided. The main directions of recent research on this issue have been presented, as well as the types and aspects of indirect communication that had not become the object of attention of linguists.

Communicative deviations and circumstances of efficiency of speech genre

The article presents an analysis of the problem of the efficiency of construction and perception of speech genres in cooperative communication.

On two “children's diseases” of modern linguistics (language, ideology, speech genres)

Modern linguistics is characterized by transfer of attention from the study of linguistic structure to the investigation of its functioning. Substitution of the unnecessary formalization by the advancement of theses that can’t be specified and proved is typical. Many modern functional studies try to achieve the solution of all the problems without passing the necessary intermediate stages. These studies do not differentiate the fundamental notions. The problems of the elaboration of the methods of investigation remain actual.

About the International Journal “Speech Genres”

Saratov State National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky has been producing the International Journal “Speech Genres” since 2013. The Journal is dedicated to the problems of speech and communication genres as well as current approaches of studying speech genres. The Journal is based on serial thematic periodical collection of publications “Speech Genres” (Saratov-Moscow, issues 1-8) which has become widely popular in Russia and abroad. The website of the edition is

Insincere speech acts and insincere speech genres

This article is devoted to justification of insincere speech genres. Speech genre is understood to be a form of utterance through which a speech act is being realized.

Concept of communicative behavior and genre

This article focuses on linguistic-culural concepts of communicative behavior in Russin and English discourses and highlights their varieties: concepts-events and attributive regulative concepts. The former are modeled as a dynamic frame – scenario of a specific situation and correspond to a speech genre / speech act. The latter, attributive concepts of communicative behavior, characterize situation as a whole. they correspond to the quality slot in a concept-event frame and are verbalized by discourse strategies or tactics.

Speech genre: the unit of product structuring of speech activity

The article discusses the problem of speech genre theory development.  There are three specific areas that require either  extending interpretations of the speech genre concept, or imposing a new specializing term. First, intergenre phenomena of administrative discourse remain outside speech genre. Then, the concept of genre is not relevant for discursive activity product analysis, because it is associated with oral and written text. Finally, in speech genre theory seems to be perspective study of the cognitive and psycholinguistic aspect.

Speech Genres through the Prism of the Multidimensionality of Homo Loquens

The article is devoted to a concise analysis of correlation between language, culture, linguo-culture, mind, communication and community, that are regarded as part and parcel of some indivisible unity which is in focus of nowadays researches of integrative character. The speech genres are analysed in the paper through the prism of the unity in question

On style-genre partnership

The article is dedicated to the speech genre as a unifying basis for different theories of style. We clarify the notions of language, speech, dis-course, text in terms of «language phenomena» aspects singled out by L. V. Scherba. Terminological stability allows us to outline four approaches to style definition: cognitive, systemic-structural, textual and communicative. The cognitive aspect of style corresponds to the «system of concepts and strategies of usage». In this view, the speech genre allows for diverse definitions.

Contrastive study of speech behavior patterns

The increased interest in the analysis of human verbal behavior leads to the need to define a basic unit of the communication sphere which could serve as the basis of its analysis. The first part of the article provides an overview of different speech units proposed by various authors, such as a speech act (J. Austin and J. Searle), speech genre (M. Bakhtin), situational, aspect and parametric model of communicative behavior (I. Sternin), speech action pattern (K. Ehlich und J. Rehbein).
