International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Общие проблемы теории речевых жанров

Genre and discourse conditionality of concept meaning (on the example of the concept ‘youth’)

The article deals with variational nature of concepts on the example of the concept ‘youth’. The authors show that concepts as knowledge storage structures are modified under the influence of communicative usage and discourse preferences peculiar to different spheres of communication and genre forms. The analysis is based on the contexts selected from the National Corpus of the Russian Language with the differentiation of texts by types (functional spheres) and genre varieties.

Жанровая пиарология и конвергенции жанров PR-текста

В основе особого направления пиарологии как науки о связях с общественностью – жанровой пиарологии – лежит критерий многообразия форматов PR-информации в условиях мультиканальной публичной коммуникации. В качестве предмета жанровой пиарологии рассматривается конвергенция информационных форматов PR-текста в условиях мультиканального PR-дискурса. В жанровой ревизии PR-коммуникации в социальных сетях на жанровые трансформации PR-текстов влияют следующие факторы: 1) технологический, 2) интенциональный, 3) структурный.

Количественное измерение жанра: функционирование «краткий» и «короткий» в позиции определений имен жанров

Актуальность исследования квантитативного измерения жанров, в частности жанров малого формата и кратких реализаций жанров в целом, возросла в связи с необходимостью «сжимать» информацию разных типов в современных коммуникациях, недостаточной изученностью закономерностей функционирования кратких и сокращенных текстов / дискурсов, вниманием к квантитативным аспектам речи в аспекте ценностного отношения.

On the starting conditions of meaning making in written speech genres

The article deals with the initial stage of the meaning making process which occurs when a certain request of the reader comes into contact with the inner targeted orientation of the given written saying. The starting conditions of meaning making in written speech genres remind of the effect produced by the meeting of two communicating subjects, with one of them patiently expecting the coming interaction and the other striving to start the immediate interaction to the best of the situationally determined interest of the addressee.

Sensory peculiarities of genres

The article presents the interim results of the observation over sensory features of certain fiction and non-fiction genres (poem, academic article, lecture, oral conference presentation, guide book). The study of sensory features of the above-mentioned genres contributes, on the one hand, to the solution of a number of problems within sensory linguistics, such as the description of language resources, functions and genre-forming features of sensory vocabulary and its role in the comprehension of reality.

On universal anthropological characteristics of speech genre communication

The article continues the research published in “Speech Genres”, 2020, no. 3. The reliability and consistency of communication in a wide range of speech genres differ in terms of basic quality characteristics of the communication process itself and its final outcome. The main objective of the article is to specify and to reinforce the evidence base of our assumptions connected with the typical structural aspects of different speech genre formations in view of their reliability and consistency.

About “genres of speech and language of speech” again: what has linguistics given to genre studies?

This is the second article in a cycle on the connection between genre studies and linguistics. The previous article discussed the question “What have genre studies given to linguistics?” This article focuses on linguistic methods used in speech genres theory: more traditional for linguistics, starting with the descriptive method and its later varieties – structural – and less traditional (component analysis, the method of immediate constituents, the generative method, the method of describing external and deep content structures, the method of semantic fields).

“Genre”: A nomadic concept or an aesthetic universal?

The article raises the problem of the metadisciplinary interpretation of the term “genre”, which can be equally well defined as a nomadic concept or as an artistic universal. The author focuses on the question of the configuration of features defining the concept of genre in philology, art history, and musicology.

Research of speech genres in artificial intelligence applications (identification of cognitive-speech actions forming a genre form)

The paper proves that speech genres as forms of text production and interpretation claim to be one of the main objects of formal linguistic analysis in comprehensive papers on cognitive modeling – an intensively developing trend of artificial intelligence.

Speech genres of the journalistic discourse

The article describes the classification of journalistic speech genres, which is based on communicative intentions. Genres were classified twice: taking into account the leading motives of journalistic activity, informing, assessment, and incentive genres were separated firstly. the subsequent genre differentiation was made within the groups in view of the subject component of the purposes. As an example of stylistic realization of genre the author analyzes the substantive structure of the “Message on the situation” speech genre.
