International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

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Dementyev V. V. Genres in Changing World: Creationistic Potentials of Speech Genres and Epistemological Potentials of the Theory of Speech Genres. Speech Genres, 2019, no. 1(21), pp. 6-21. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2019-1-21-6-21

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Genres in Changing World: Creationistic Potentials of Speech Genres and Epistemological Potentials of the Theory of Speech Genres

Dementyev Vadim Viktorovich, Saratov State University

        The article is devoted to the changes of speech genres and speech genre picture of modernity. The creationistic potentials of speech genres are conceptualized: how genres are involved in the creation of this picture due to their objective nature and potentials, which are considered in the article through the oppositions formed by pairs of opposing, interconnected tendencies: national-specific ? universal. linguistic ? extralinguistic. way from above ? way from below . development of new phenomena on the national (original) basis ? borrowing. The formation and changes of new genres are analyzed through various new communicative phenomena (some of them are borrowed, others are developed and put together on the origi- nal national-cultural basis): in social life, institutional communication, private life, interpersonal relations, along with belles-letters, genres of which have been traditionally best studied, from the point of view of their history as well. As a basis for the research methodology, the author offers systematized statements developed within the framework of various areas of the modern theory of speech genres and the parameters of the model, which can describe the most critical events of the rehearsing modernity (this becomes possible due to the epistemological potentials of the theory of speech genres).

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