International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

речевые жанры

Genre diversity of official Telegram channels of higher educational institutions

This article presents a study of the genre field of official Telegram channels of higher educational institutions in Russia. It is shown that the publications of these channels on this platform are similar in their structural and stylistic design: they have multimedia and text blocks, are characterized by concise and fragmented text, interactivity and hypertextuality, a combination of official-business and informal presentation of information, among other features.

On universal anthropological characteristics of speech genre communication

The article continues the research published in “Speech Genres”, 2020, no. 3. The reliability and consistency of communication in a wide range of speech genres differ in terms of basic quality characteristics of the communication process itself and its final outcome. The main objective of the article is to specify and to reinforce the evidence base of our assumptions connected with the typical structural aspects of different speech genre formations in view of their reliability and consistency.

Speech genres of accusation and reproach in the doctor’s speech behavior

The issue raised in this study touches upon different aspects related to expression of negative judgment in medical discourse. This issue lies within the boundaries of speech genre theory. The authors use analysis tools of such disciplines as functional linguistics, medical rhetoric and elocutary mastery. The comparison of accusation and reproach – two related to each other speech genres of expressing disapproval – is made in the introduction to the article. Lexicographic sources allowed to reveal essential semantic peculiarities of these genres.

About “genres of speech and language of speech” again: what has linguistics given to genre studies?

This is the second article in a cycle on the connection between genre studies and linguistics. The previous article discussed the question “What have genre studies given to linguistics?” This article focuses on linguistic methods used in speech genres theory: more traditional for linguistics, starting with the descriptive method and its later varieties – structural – and less traditional (component analysis, the method of immediate constituents, the generative method, the method of describing external and deep content structures, the method of semantic fields).

Speech genre of an expert report in the context of communicative goal-setting

The article studies a speech genre of an expert report. The study focuses on the realization of the most significant genre-forming feature – the communicative goal of an expert report. Scientific novelty is connected with the fact that an expert report is studied in the context of being a result of speech activity; within the theory of speech genres and communicative linguistics. The article focuses on the basic characteristics of the genre, its communicative goal-setting peculiarities, and the influence of an expert report type on the communicative goal realization.

Structural and pragmatic aspects of the speech genre “treating to a meal”

The article deals with the colloquial speech genre of “home” communication “treating to a meal”. The relevance of this research is determined by the general interest of modern linguistics to colloquial speech and genre studies.

The genre of incantation in M. Tsvetayeva’s poems

The article deals with the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, in particular with the poem «Lanes», from the standpoint of the theory of speech genres. It is established that the plot is a complex secondary genre that corresponds to most of the characteristics of the speech genres. Earlier, the incantation was considered a genre of folklore. In this article the incantation is a genre of Marina Tsvetaeva?s poetic text.

Comment as a speech genre and its variability

This work is done within the framework of the theory of speech genres. The article raises the problem of differentiation of variability of speech genres and homonymy. In the example of different texts comments seeks to identify variants and of similar genres. There are cases of the use of "masks" of the genre for the realizing the texts of other genres. As a criterion for distinguishing, use the parameters of genres.

Actual problems of indirect communication and its genres: a view from 2013

In the article the aspects of the problem of indirect communication in linguistics of the last ten years have been discussed. A brief overview of the state of modern linguistics and its place in the problems of indirect communication has been provided. The main directions of recent research on this issue have been presented, as well as the types and aspects of indirect communication that had not become the object of attention of linguists.

The name calling communication genre: German vs. Russian names of human body parts as a source of derogatory idioms

Research is made of different means of name calling. Under examination is derogatory attitudes between German and Russian vocabularies.  Close connections are established between the  body,  waste and moral qualities of the person. These relations are nationally specific, which allows one to define a number of ethnic preferences characteristic of the nations analyzed.
