International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

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Volynkina S. V. Speech genre of an expert report in the context of communicative goal-setting. Speech Genres, 2021, no. 4(32), pp. 275-284. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2021-4-32-275-284

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Speech genre of an expert report in the context of communicative goal-setting

Volynkina Svetlana Vadimovna, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky

The article studies a speech genre of an expert report. The study focuses on the realization of the most significant genre-forming feature – the communicative goal of an expert report. Scientific novelty is connected with the fact that an expert report is studied in the context of being a result of speech activity; within the theory of speech genres and communicative linguistics. The article focuses on the basic characteristics of the genre, its communicative goal-setting peculiarities, and the influence of an expert report type on the communicative goal realization. The analysis shows that the speech genre of an expert report is included into the terminological and actual boundaries of a wider and larger phenomenon, known as a speech event, which is realized by a set of speech genres and represents a form of organization of communication with certain participants. As a speech event, an expert report possesses a complex ritualized nature which makes it possible to define it as a complex speech event. The article studies the speech genre of an expert report as a leading genre of a speech event with the same name. The analysis has found out a dual trend of an expert report in communicative goal-setting, represented by: 1) information communication (informative objective) and 2) evaluation expression (evaluative objective). The balance between the two objectives is determined by an expert report type. Expert reports of traditional (special-purpose) type are found to appeal to consciousness and logic with the informative illocution being a predominant goal; while in case of humanitarian expert reports, subjective emotional experience and assessment serve the same purpose being applied in practice in the dominating evaluative illocution.

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