International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Inebriety of the soul: Aphoristica of passion (semantics, pragmatics, genre properties)

Based on the material of a corpus of short-format statements, the semantics and axiology of passion, as well as the discursive properties of aphorism, are studied. It is established that an aphorism does not have a clear definition based on a single feature and we can only talk about “family resemblance” as the proximity of some small-format text in terms of a set of features to the ideal of an aphoristic statement.

Student comments on a professor’s rating as an evaluating speech genre in Russian and American educational discourse

This article focuses on the speech genre “student comments on a professor’s rating” which belongs to the domain of quality assurance in higher education. Both aspects are meaningful for the theory of speech genres and the system of higher education. The article analyses the communicative concept “student feedback on teaching” which is related to the speech genre under research.

The language image of the elderly person in the light of evaluating speech genres

Modern linguistic anthropology is characterized by the integration of methods and means of the research reflected in the language of knowledge about the world and the person. It uses instrumental opportunities of the genre theory for semantic modelling of the language image of the person. The substantiation of the research of the language image of the person in the speech genre aspect is given in the article. Meanings, represented by language units of different levels, are focused in the speech genre.

The speech genre of a scientific review: A view at the assessment as-sertiveness

Assessment is a compulsory semantic component of the speech genre of a scientific review. The evaluative nature of the scientific review along with its dependence on norms of science-based ethics determines the significance of such category as assertiveness for the speech genre.

Axiological genristics: aspects of a problem «evaluation and genre»

The article is devoted to one of the most important and obvious aspects of speech genres – relation of speech genres and evaluation. This issue is im-portant not only for the theory of speech genres, but also for linguistics in general, although it is far from being solved. We discuss the key concept of this problem – “form of evaluation” – a kind of genre norms that determine, on the one hand, the pragmatic, stylistic, linguistic modeling of evaluative actions, on the other – the differences between adjacent evaluative genres.

Genre as a Textual Modality Actualizer (on the Basis of Regional legislation documents)

The article devote systematization of representations of the relationship between speech genre and text modality. The article is topical. There is the fragmentation of the study of means and methods of explicating the modality of the official text in the recantive aspect and applied research. The presupposition for the study was the idea that the subject of documentary speech can “discover” itself directly at the level of vocabulary and indirectly through the choice of forms of grammatical categories, namely through means of expressing the text modality.

An Article on speech genres in the “Speech genres” journal as … a speech genre?

Тhe article tests the hypothesis that in the history of the speech genres theory and the journal/collection of articles “Speech Genres”, some structural – linguistic, stylistic, textual – patterns have developed in the “average” article on speech genres (namely: an article in the journal / collection of articles “Speech Genres”).