International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Nazarenko Y. V. Agreement/Disagreement in Belarusian: Review of the teaching aid by A. P. Latushko “Belarusian phrases of аgreement and disagreement” (Minsk, BSU. 2020. 135 p.). Speech Genres, 2022, vol. 17, iss. 2 (34), pp. 156-160. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2022-17-2-34-156-160, EDN: HAKQMG

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Agreement/Disagreement in Belarusian: Review of the teaching aid by A. P. Latushko “Belarusian phrases of аgreement and disagreement” (Minsk, BSU. 2020. 135 p.)

Nazarenko Yuliya Victorovna , Belarusian State University

The review is a response to the publication of the teaching aid by A. P. Latushko “Belarusian phrases of Agreement and Disagreement”. The author presents inseparable phrases of agreement and disagreement as elements of the composition of a communicative act in the form of a dictionary with a theoretical preface. The relevance of this teaching aid is seen in the systematization of speech manifestations of one of the communicative categories based on Belarusian fiction. Using the method of continuous sampling, A. P. Latushko extracted more than 130 inseparable expressions of agreement and more than 150 expressions of disagreement (the inaccuracy of the quantity is due to the inevitable presence of phonetic, lexical, spelling, grammatical variants, for example, chort z vami/taboy), which actually represent one phrase, as well as optional introductory, insertion elements, modal words and particles (<Nu> vos? і dobra, slauna, tsudouna, tsudounen´ka; <Sto zh>, paglyadzim; <Ne,><vy/ty< (pa) chladzi (tse) and so on.).
The material presented in the peer-reviewed scientific and methodological work of A. P. Latushko confirms the thesis that in fact we communicate not with ideal units of the language system, but with real units of speech – a confirmation of the popular linguistic theory, which is sometimes called the Russian analogue of the theory of speech acts – the theory of speech genres, the foundations of which were laid by M. M. Bakhtin, and deeply and in detail investigated by professor V. V. Dementyev. The teaching aid presents a successful attempt to acquaint the reader with the speech implementation of the linguistic category of agreement and disagreement in the Belarusian language based on 1100 contexts of Belarussian drama and prose.


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