International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Ugro A. V. Transformation of the genre “Memoirs” in social network instagram. Speech Genres, 2021, no. 1(29), pp. 78-83. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2021-1-29-78-83

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Transformation of the genre “Memoirs” in social network instagram

Ugro Anna Vladimirovna, Far Eastern Federal University

Active development of the Internet communication and the expansion of technical capaсities caused the transformation of existing genres and determined the emergence of new ones. The article discusses the features of the implementation of the speech genre “memoirs” in the social network Instagram. The hashtag #воспоминание was chosen as the criterion for collecting entries, since, in our opinion, users can use this hashtag to mark the genre of a post. The aim of the work is to establish how genre characteristics of memoirs are reflected in the polycode space. The study revealed that in the social network Instagram, the appeal to the past is recorded as follows: 1) the narrative as a traditional form of the genre is preserved, while the photo, an obligatory element of this sphere of communication, performs an illustrative function. 2) there is a special type of representation of the speaker’s experience using a creolized text, in which the text, image and hashtags are in a relationship of mutual complement. The emergence of a new way of presenting memoirs, in which the reported information is distributed among several semiotic systems, is explained, on the one hand, by the desire of users to save speech effort, on the other hand, by the technical features of the social network. Under the influence of these circumstances, there is a loss of language indicators of significant characteristics of the genre and its modification. In addition, the author focuses on the difficulties of perception of records defined by users as #воспоминание. Given informative insufficiency of verbal components and the absence of a common apperception base for the addressee and addressee, understanding can be achieved by decoding the image.

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