International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Instagram as Genre 2.0 (Political Communication Case)

The paper focuses on the research issues of a new field of linguistics – linguistics 2.0, one of the areas of study of which is the analysis of social media genres – genres 2.0. Taking into account basic parameters of structuring the genre space of political discourse, the analysis of the genre Instagram in the field of political communication is presented.

Transformation of the genre “Memoirs” in social network instagram

Active development of the Internet communication and the expansion of technical capaсities caused the transformation of existing genres and determined the emergence of new ones. The article discusses the features of the implementation of the speech genre “memoirs” in the social network Instagram. The hashtag #воспоминание was chosen as the criterion for collecting entries, since, in our opinion, users can use this hashtag to mark the genre of a post. The aim of the work is to establish how genre characteristics of memoirs are reflected in the polycode space.