International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Новый взгляд на коммуникацию в контексте письменного речевого взаимодействия с автоматизированными системами

Исследование строится вокруг определения основных черт письменного вербального взаимодействия человека с автоматизированными системами в рамках понятий «коммуникация» и «диалог». Осуществляется оценка обоснованности применения термина «коммуникация» в контексте взаимодействия с чат-ботами, в ходе которой выделяются характерные черты данной формы коммуникации, такие как квазисинхронность, непосредственность, ориентация на интерактивность, отсутствие социальных взаимоотношений между собеседниками и жесткая формальная структура.

Жанровая пиарология и конвергенции жанров PR-текста

В основе особого направления пиарологии как науки о связях с общественностью – жанровой пиарологии – лежит критерий многообразия форматов PR-информации в условиях мультиканальной публичной коммуникации. В качестве предмета жанровой пиарологии рассматривается конвергенция информационных форматов PR-текста в условиях мультиканального PR-дискурса. В жанровой ревизии PR-коммуникации в социальных сетях на жанровые трансформации PR-текстов влияют следующие факторы: 1) технологический, 2) интенциональный, 3) структурный.

An encyclopedic elucidation of speech genres (Review of the book: Balashova L. V., Dementyev V. V. Russkiye rechevyye zhanry [Russian Speech Genres]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2022. 832 p. (Studia Philologica))

The monograph under review is an analysis of the modern state and perspectives of the Theory of Speech Genres development. This theory as offered and worked out by Michael M. Bakhtin belongs to a leading trend of the communication studies in Russia. The authors of the book are well known specialists in this field of the Humanities.

Article Dialogue basis of Leo Tolstoy’s diary

The article verifies the hypothesis that Leo Tolstoy’s diary has the form of a hidden dialogue of the writer with various subjects: with himself, with third parties, with God. Dialogue is understood as a form of individual development. The article determines that Leo Tolstoy’s diary represents a program of self-improvement, which is achieved through goal-setting and self-assessment. In the traditional perception of the diary genre, entries are interpreted as a form of autocommunication, carried out for the purpose of self-identification of the individual.

Speech genre of an expert report in the context of communicative goal-setting

The article studies a speech genre of an expert report. The study focuses on the realization of the most significant genre-forming feature – the communicative goal of an expert report. Scientific novelty is connected with the fact that an expert report is studied in the context of being a result of speech activity; within the theory of speech genres and communicative linguistics. The article focuses on the basic characteristics of the genre, its communicative goal-setting peculiarities, and the influence of an expert report type on the communicative goal realization.

Коммуникация личности с художественным текстом как «Заслуженным собеседником»

В статье представлены результаты проведенной научной рефлексии коммуникации личности с художественным текстом, понимаемым достаточно широко как продуктом любой эстетической творческой деятельности автора и выступающим в виде его открытого приглашения к диалогу. В качестве ключевого концепта при рефлексии взаимодействия личности с культурными артефактами предлагается использование антропологической метафоры и философемы «Заслуженный Собеседник», предложенной А.А. Ухтомским.

Genre forms in the children’s humoristic magazine “Veselye kartinki”: 1990s

The article is included in the circle of studies related to the study of genre characteristics of texts. The relevance of the study is determined by the changeable nature of speech genres, each of which contains traditional (archaic) genre-forming features, as well as new, changing ones. The aim of the undertaken research was to consider genre forms and features in the children’s comic magazine “Veselye Kartinki”. Issues of the period from 1985 to 1999 were selected as the research material.

Genre of New Year greetings in social networks

The article examines the content and stylistic features of modern greeting discourse in social networks based on the texts of the professional community of business coaches and communication specialists in social networks. This type of greeting discourse is conventionally referred to a written electronic formal professional discourse variety. The content and style of these texts, on the one hand, preserve the cultural traditions of greeting speech rhetoric, on the other hand, they require innovative ideas and new means of expression.

The name calling communication genre: German vs. Russian names of human body parts as a source of derogatory idioms

Research is made of different means of name calling. Under examination is derogatory attitudes between German and Russian vocabularies.  Close connections are established between the  body,  waste and moral qualities of the person. These relations are nationally specific, which allows one to define a number of ethnic preferences characteristic of the nations analyzed.

Speech genre: the unit of product structuring of speech activity

The article discusses the problem of speech genre theory development.  There are three specific areas that require either  extending interpretations of the speech genre concept, or imposing a new specializing term. First, intergenre phenomena of administrative discourse remain outside speech genre. Then, the concept of genre is not relevant for discursive activity product analysis, because it is associated with oral and written text. Finally, in speech genre theory seems to be perspective study of the cognitive and psycholinguistic aspect.
