For citation:
Karasik V. I. An encyclopedic elucidation of speech genres (Review of the book: Balashova L. V., Dementyev V. V. Russkiye rechevyye zhanry [Russian Speech Genres]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2022. 832 p. (Studia Philologica)). Speech Genres, 2023, vol. 18, iss. 1 (37), pp. 92-95. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2023-18-1-37-92-95, EDN: HJUGGC
An encyclopedic elucidation of speech genres (Review of the book: Balashova L. V., Dementyev V. V. Russkiye rechevyye zhanry [Russian Speech Genres]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2022. 832 p. (Studia Philologica))
The monograph under review is an analysis of the modern state and perspectives of the Theory of Speech Genres development. This theory as offered and worked out by Michael M. Bakhtin belongs to a leading trend of the communication studies in Russia. The authors of the book are well known specialists in this field of the Humanities. They understand a speech genre as a basic unit of speech organization and give convincing arguments in favor of its integrative potential which organically unites the features of communicative, cognitive and cultural description of language. The book deals with axiological and intertextual dimensions of speech genres as well as with their creative and personological properties. A wide specter of Russian speech genres has been thoroughly analyzed with an accent on modern genres emerged in the Internet communication and in various spheres of public and private behavior which have not been described in linguistics.
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