International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Жанры СМИ

Dialogization of discourse and genre in media

The article studies dialogization of media monologue messages aimed at intensifying the interiorization of new information into the addressee’s picture of the world by stimulating a dialogue with the audience. There have been singled out two levels of dialogization–discourse and genre.

Genre forms in the children’s humoristic magazine “Veselye kartinki”: 1990s

The article is included in the circle of studies related to the study of genre characteristics of texts. The relevance of the study is determined by the changeable nature of speech genres, each of which contains traditional (archaic) genre-forming features, as well as new, changing ones. The aim of the undertaken research was to consider genre forms and features in the children’s comic magazine “Veselye Kartinki”. Issues of the period from 1985 to 1999 were selected as the research material.

Representation of Judicial Power in the Genres of Russian Print Media

The present study is devoted to the problem of discursive construction of judicial power in Russian print media. The purpose of the article is to distinguish the dominating genres through which the work of the institution is revealed. The author indicates that some genres are characterized by typical representations of the judiciary. The article analyses the use of informational, analytical and publicist genre groups. The researcher reveals characteristic features in the use of genres chosen by papers supporting opposite ideologies.

Trends of Changes in the Stilistic Identity of Traditional Journalistic Genres in the Present Press

Interconnection, interpenetration, or convergence of journalistic genres, is the main process typical of traditional journalistic genres, which is altering their stylistic image. Journalists seek to provide a multifaceted view of complicated modern life, which makes media landscape particularly dense and heterogeneous. The article describes several tendencies which have changed the stylistic image of traditional newspaper genres – tendency towards interactivity, creolized structure, visual representation of information.


The study is devoted to the forecast as one of the still insufficiently studied speech genres. Forecasting assumes a special significance in the period of sociopolitical instability, when society is interested in looking into the future, so that it was possible to prevent all sorts of negative consequences. Various forecasts such as information and analytical genres are constantly broadcast through the media. This determines the problems of this research and its relevance. The research is based on Russian federal and regional publications and their electronic versions.


The author examines the conceptual idea of the development of Russia in 2016, reflected in the genre of analytical review in online publications of various (progovernment and opposition) socio-political, ideological orientation, and represented through metaphors formed within the framework of the anthropomorphic conceptual macromodel. The paper identifies the most actual models and their variants of anthropomorphic transfers in the media under investigation.


The article analyzes media genres interaction through the primary media sphere genre – news. The author gives opinions of researchers on the mixing of genres, lists genres which have undergone significant changes in the modern media sphere. The analysis is based on the news from the regional media field – one of Novgorod’s Internet resources. Analysis of four news texts published in November 2017 shows that the news includes a report, a journalistic story, an academic article, an announcement, a biographical note.

To the Question of the Authorization of Texts and Genres of media

The article considers the phenomenon of authorization, understood as the conscious or unconscious expression in the text of the personality of its Creator as revealed through the analysis of specific linguistic resources. A valid authorization is a problem for modern media, as recently in journalistic texts, more and more blurred her form of expression, and it has even become one of the main reasons for the dehumanization of modern media.

Comparative Analysis of Newspaper and TV Essays

This article presents a study of the most difficult in its characteristics and properties genre of journalism – an essay. The nature of the essay is determined by the fact that it functions both in journalism and in fiction. The paper aims at the research of the differences between newspaper and television Russian essays, and the analysis of the artistic and journalistic aspects of the reviewed essays.

Mediafact as a Genre Entity

The study deals with the media fact as an entity of media speech and media genres, in particular. The purpose of this article is to show how media facts form genres. The author adopts a broad interpretation of the concept of ”media fact,” the main characteristic of which is the focus on the presentation of events in their relevance. A media fact is any information in the media that the recipient considers to be a fact and takes into account, building his attitude to the world around him.
