International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

речевое поведение

Стилистические особенности речи ростовчан

В данной статье будет проанализирован вопрос использования стилистических приемов жителями города Ростов-на-Дону. Акцент будет сделан на тех методах, которые чаще всего применяются в речи жителей данного региона. Проблема стилистики в языке ранее оставалась недооцененной, что подчеркивает важность данного исследования для более глубокого понимания и анализа. Работа направлена на выявление характерных черт языка жителей Ростова-на-Дону с целью расширить наше знание о стилистике речи данного региона и оценить ее влияние на общественное общение и языковую среду города.

The subgenre “address” in the speech of the Soviet intelligentsia (abased on the Soviet dramatic texts of 1950–1980-s)

The present article deals with the subgenre ‘address’ in the speech behavior of members of the Soviet intelligentsia. The research is based on 9 Soviet plays of V. Azernikov, S. Aleshin, A. Arbuzov, L. Zorin, S. Mikhalkov, M. Roshchin. The character’s education, profession, the author’s description, the actual speech portrait of the character (lexical, stylistic, communicative content), moral qualities of the character were important criteria for definition of a member of intelligentsia.

The structure of flirtation as a speech genre in dialogues of Soviet intelligentsia: Composite genres and subgenres (based on plays by L. Zorin and V. Azernikov)

The article studies speech behavior of the class of Soviet intelligentsia in communicative situations of flirting. The research is based on Soviet comedy plays of the 1960s–1970s: “Dobryaki”, “Entsiklopedisty”, “Tranzit”, “Pokrovskie vorota”, “Teatral’naya fantaziya” by Leonid Zorin and “Vozmozhny varianty” by Valentin Azernikov. The relevance of the topic is related to the increased interest ofmodern linguistics in the verbal means typical of romantic discourse in general and of the genre of flirting in particular.

Contrastive study of speech behavior patterns

The increased interest in the analysis of human verbal behavior leads to the need to define a basic unit of the communication sphere which could serve as the basis of its analysis. The first part of the article provides an overview of different speech units proposed by various authors, such as a speech act (J. Austin and J. Searle), speech genre (M. Bakhtin), situational, aspect and parametric model of communicative behavior (I. Sternin), speech action pattern (K. Ehlich und J. Rehbein).

The speech behavior pattern of «request» in Russian and German: a contrastive study

The paper presents the analysis of the speech behavior pattern of REQUEST in Russian and German. In the first part of paper the illocution of REQUEST is defined in terms of Natural Semantic Metalanguage. The contrastive research is carried out from three different angles. Firstly, from the structural viewpoint, main language patterns of the realization of REQUEST are described. Secondly, from the pragmatic viewpoint, it is considered whether and how the situations in which Germans and Russians express REQUEST are different.