International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Dementyev V. V. Online Tests in the News Browser: Linguistic and Speech Genre Characteristics. Speech Genres, 2020, no. 1(25), pp. 62-78. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2020-1-25-62-78

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Online Tests in the News Browser: Linguistic and Speech Genre Characteristics

Dementyev Vadim Viktorovich, Saratov State University

The object of the study are online tests in a news browser (Yandex, The research focuses on the linguistic and genre characteristics of the test link – a part of this test, presented in the news browser as a link or icon and containing the title of the test and its preview. Test links are analyzed (1) semantically and pragmatically (including the most important pragmatic components: functions (the functions of the test itself and the functions of the test link, the most important of which are reporting information about the test and highlighting it). addressee (generation, gender, hobby differentiation. in creating the image of the addressee, self-identification and personal significance of the addressee, etiquette/anti-etiquette, compliments/anticompliments, etc. are significant). the addressant (real author of the test or the administrator of the news browser) and the online test itself (information about its various aspects: purpose, attractiveness to the addressee, exclusivity of the proposed information, degree of difficulty of the test, technical characteristics – features of the procedure for passing this test, etc.), (2) thematically (the most common are so called classification tests, i.e. tests that appeal to any classification. the most common topic is psychology: the themes of interpersonal relationship, human characters and types, distinguished on the basis of any psychological, social, physiological, astrological (zodiac signs), etc. characteristics), (3) structurally (lexical, morphological and syntactic form of the title of the test link. the most obvious way this information is concentrated in are meta-informative verbs and definitions (agreed or inconsistent) that often accompany the word “test” in the heading: “simple test”, “literary test”, “observation test”, etc.

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