International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Vladimirova S. B. Judicial expert opinion as a speech genre (based on judicial medical expertise). Speech Genres, 2021, no. 1(29), pp. 41-48. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2021-1-29-41-48

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Judicial expert opinion as a speech genre (based on judicial medical expertise)

Vladimirova Sofya Borisovna, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

The article describes the model of the genre of “judicial expert opinion” and considers a medical expert opinion as its example. A judicial expert opinion is defined as a written text including the research and conclusions on the issues posed to the expert by the person conducting the criminal proceedings, or by the defense or prosecution. This text functions simultaneously in two branches: in jurisprudence, as a document, and in a certain field of science that is related to the field of expert knowledge, in this case in medicine. To build a genre model of the judicial expert opinion, the author uses the speech genre model proposed by T. V. Shmeleva. This model seems most consistent and allows to cover not only linguistic, but also communicative parameters. According to this model, the article describes the compositional and speech features of the reviewed genre, its differential features (the image of the author, addressee, image of the past and the future, dictum content, and the image of the object of examination as an additional parameter), communicative goals and aspects of its linguistic embodiment. The analysis allows to present a judicial expert opinion as an informative reactive speech genre with a perfect perspective of dictum. The linguistic embodiment of this speech genre is partially clich?d, the linguistic means are selected in accordance with the textual traditions of formalizing official documents and expressing professional knowledge. The main features of the language embodiment of the genre are the following: a combination of official, academic and colloquial speech styles. frequent use of medical terminology, abbreviations. zero subject sentences and passive constructions, elliptical sentences.

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