International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

theory of speech genres

Quasi-genres in the structure of teaching and research discourse: Statement of the problem

The article substantiates the quasi-genre. The quasi-genre is an artificial construct that may productively solve a limited range of research or linguodidactic peoblems. The quasi-genre can be represented by a number of subgenres. The quasi-genre has specific genre-forming features, which are analyzed basing on the model situations used to study the manipulative communicative style.

Genrogenic situations (on the example of boltovnya ‘≈chatter’)

The article deals with genrogenic situations (Gg S), i.e. situations marked by speech genres, indicative of the representation of a particular speech genre in a given national culture. The Gg S as a cognitive image corresponding to a speech genre in the human mind includes, on the one hand, a set of components of a communication situation, necessary and sufficient for the generation of this genre, and, on the other hand, the memory of the Gg S, real or reconstructed (by writers, psychologists), in which this genre was generated and developed.

Agreement/Disagreement in Belarusian: Review of the teaching aid by A. P. Latushko “Belarusian phrases of аgreement and disagreement” (Minsk, BSU. 2020. 135 p.)

The review is a response to the publication of the teaching aid by A. P. Latushko “Belarusian phrases of Agreement and Disagreement”. The author presents inseparable phrases of agreement and disagreement as elements of the composition of a communicative act in the form of a dictionary with a theoretical preface. The relevance of this teaching aid is seen in the systematization of speech manifestations of one of the communicative categories based on Belarusian fiction. Using the method of continuous sampling, A. P.

Genre individuality of Instagram social net

The article presents an analysis of the Instagram Internet service genre features. The place and importance of Instagram among Internet communication social services are discussed.

Genres in Changing World: Creationistic Potentials of Speech Genres and Epistemological Potentials of the Theory of Speech Genres

        The article is devoted to the changes of speech genres and speech genre picture of modernity. The creationistic potentials of speech genres are conceptualized: how genres are involved in the creation of this picture due to their objective nature and potentials, which are considered in the article through the oppositions formed by pairs of opposing, interconnected tendencies: national-specific ? universal. linguistic ? extralinguistic. way from above ? way from below . development of new phenomena on the national (original) basis ? borrowing.