International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Novikova E. Y. COVID-19 discourse as a specific type of discourse in the structure of the university Internet portal (based on the Russian and German materials). Speech Genres, 2023, vol. 18, iss. 3 (39), pp. 300-308. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2023-18-3-39-300-308, EDN: TYSGNH

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COVID-19 discourse as a specific type of discourse in the structure of the university Internet portal (based on the Russian and German materials)

Novikova Elina Yurevna, Volgograd State University

The article presents the analysis of linguistic and cultural features of COVID-19 discourse. The current research is an attempt to identify the discourse-forming features of the given discourse as well as to analyze the empirical material focusing on its genre and language features. The analysis is based upon general scientific methods, with the use of interpretive methodology and contextual analysis. The author analyzes methods of construction and navigation of COVID-19 Internet pages integrated into the university Internet portal providing the justification of its hypertext characteristics and describing the thematic features of the headings. The article describes constructive features of the COVID-19 discourse including its participants, chronotope, goals, strategies and values. The author considers COVID-19 discourse an institutional hybrid interdiscursive phenomenon which forms a thematically limited communicative space in the structure of the university Internet portal during the coronavirus pandemic. The article contains the analysis of the genre aspects of the given discourse based on two non-similar languages (Russian, German) focusing on their discourse-conditioned lexical, syntactic peculiarities. The research revealed the specific genre nature of the COVID-19 university discourse which is determined by the formation and existence of the COVID-19 discourse in different linguocultures. The author shows the interdependence of genre structure and intra-genre linguistic means focusing on the similarities and differences in syntactic and lexical markers of discourse. All this allows to suggest the presence of linguocultural determination of COVID-19 discourse in the structure of the university Internet portal of two non-similar languages. The study opens up the prospects for further focus on the linguocultural determination of COVID-19-discourse and a detailed analysis of its linguistic and translatological features. 

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