International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

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Shirinkina M. A. Genres of Written Discourse of the Executive Branch. Speech Genres, 2019, no. 2(22), pp. 110-118. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2019-2-22-110-118

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Genres of Written Discourse of the Executive Branch

Shirinkina Mariya Andreevna, Perm State University

The article presents a description of the genre system of the executive written discourse. The paper considers viewpoints of specialists in genre studies on the criteria for classifying genres. It presents speech genres typologies on the inter- and extra-linguistic bases according to: communicative intention, type of activity, specificity of the audience, etc. Through the analyses of various conceptions, the author comes to the conclusion that a complete modeling of a genre system is possible only if a number of factors is considered. The author’s approach to classifying the executive written genres is built upon the functional stylistic conception supplied with the communicative situation parameters. To single out genre groups, the author takes into consideration the principle criterion – particular kinds of legal activities of the executive branch: executive-administrative, communicative (setup of feedback with the society) and informative. This enables the author to single out three groups of the executive genres: enacting, epistolary and informational. Differentiation between genre varieties within these groups is based on the complex of intentional and situational factors, the latter include status and role characteristics of an addresser and an addressee. A number of examples illustrate linguistic and stylistic differences in the genre diversity of the executive written discourse (decision, resolution, letter of response to a public appeal and press-release).

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