International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Genre modification strategy (based on the example of Andrey Nemzer’s public speeches and reviews)

The article presents the analysis of popular science lectures by literary critic Andrey Nemzer. The research is based on the radio series “Russian Prose of the Third Millennium”, in which Nemzer gave lectures on remarkable prose writers of the 1990s: N. Gorlanova, M. Vishnevetskaya, A. Slapovsky and A. Dmitriev. The author of the article compares Andrey Nemzer’s public speeches with thematically similar reviews published in “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, “Segodnya” and “Vremya MN”.

Speech genre “interpretation” in the era of the Russian church schism of the 17th century: Hermeneutic and linguo-personological aspects (based on the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities” by Avvakum)

The research presents the description of the speech genre “interpretation” on the basis of the understudied essay of Archpriest Avvakum “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”. The relevance of the topic is determined, firstly, by the small number of publications with the analysis of the source involved, and secondly, by polar and contradictory statements about the composition of the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”.

Prediction as a Speech Genre

The article deals with a speech act «prediction», its content is a categorical declaration of future events. Semantically it is a type of communicative concepts, and pragmatically, it combines characteristics of declarations and commissives. Predictions may be either rationally determined or intuitively generated, the former are typical of a scientific discourse whereas the latter mostly function within religious and habitual communication.


Modern linguists are trying to solve the problem of determining the boundaries of the genre, its variability or transition to another genre. But until now this issue remains controversial. The article is devoted to the problem of the functioning of the speech genre in various spheres of communication.