International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Indirect responses in natural conversation

By indirect answers we mean answers to general questions which do not correspond to “yes” and “no”, and answers to special questions which do not literally correlate with the question words who, what, where, etc. The article examines the types of indirect responses in different structural and semantic types of dialogue. The article analyzes the features of indirect answers determined by the predictive relationship of concepts: place-goal, place-time, etc.

Everyday urban genres (on the basis of speech of habitants of the Omsk)

The article is devoted to the urban speech practices of the early twenty-first century in inofficial and semi-official spheres. The following basic terms are offered: indicators of everyday oral colloquial speech, informative level, interactivity, colloquial genre. The analysis of collected material has shown that at speech interaction "at home" the model «the speaking subject-a situation-a subject of the speech-listening» comes up. at «outdoors» interation, the model «speaking subject – situation – listener» model prevails.