International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Speech genre: the unit of product structuring of speech activity

The article discusses the problem of speech genre theory development.  There are three specific areas that require either  extending interpretations of the speech genre concept, or imposing a new specializing term. First, intergenre phenomena of administrative discourse remain outside speech genre. Then, the concept of genre is not relevant for discursive activity product analysis, because it is associated with oral and written text. Finally, in speech genre theory seems to be perspective study of the cognitive and psycholinguistic aspect.

The Discourse Construction of Possible Worlds in the Genre of Ecological Advertisements

The article lays down the foundations of the theory of the discourse formation of the world which are then applied to the analysis of the discourse formation of possible worlds in ecological advertisements. The authors offer the definition of the discourse formation of the world and explain its difference from the alternative notion of the cognitive formation of the world. The discussion centers on several key aspects, including cognition, knowledge transfer and multimodal semiotic representations, as they function as part of the discourse world formation process.