International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Dementyev V. V. What does “forward in the study of speech genres” mean? To the edition of a posthumous book of selected works by K. F. Sedov (1954–2011) «General and anthropocentric linguistics». Speech Genres, 2016, no. 2(14), pp. 123-129. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2016-2-14-123-129

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What does “forward in the study of speech genres” mean? To the edition of a posthumous book of selected works by K. F. Sedov (1954–2011) «General and anthropocentric linguistics»

Dementyev Vadim Viktorovich, Saratov State University

Review of the posthumous book of selected works by K. F. Sedov (1954–2011) «Obshchaya i antropotsentricheskaya lingvistika» [General and anthropocentric linguistics]. Much of the book of K. F. Sedov is devoted to speech genres: an overview of the theory of speech genres (sociopragmatic aspect) is provided, as well as materials for the encyclopedia of speech genres: «Talk», «Compliment», «Anecdote». The reviewer (both co-editor of the book of selected works of K. F. Sedov under discussion), who for many years studied the genres of speech with K. F. Sedov («Saratov genristics»), shows how the book will be useful for the modern genristics. The author emphasizes that the book is more valuable to genristics because of presented in the book philological and general scientific heritage of K. F. Sedov: it provides a clearer understanding of the place of genristics in linguistics paradigm and clarification of a number of genristics regulations and procedures through their correlation with other methods, as well as linguistic disciplines.

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