International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

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Balashova L. V. Speech genres in Russian idiomatics (semantic and conceptual aspects). Speech Genres, 2017, no. 1(15), pp. 6-29. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2017-1-15-6-29

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Speech genres in Russian idiomatics (semantic and conceptual aspects)

Balashova Lubov Victorovna, Saratov State University

The article gives a description of Russian idioms, including in their composition the nominations of speech genres. the degree of being in demand for certain genres in the formation of Russian idiomatics has been revealed, as well as the degree of structuredness of such names. The composition and structure of this group of idioms is discussed: informative, phatic (including etiquette), influencing genres (with the activity of the addressee of speech and the activity of the subject of speech), genres of diffuse influence-phatic character (including discursively restricted genres), genres of artistic discourse. A special study is devoted to the semantic characteristic of the idioms. Macrospheres are distinguished, first of all, on the basis of communicative meanings of idioms (including communication within genres, whose names are included in a phraseological unit, and communication is not within these genres). Much attention is paid to a group of idioms containing a characteristic of a person (not communication): the semantic fields “man as a biological entity. human physiology”, “human intellectual activity”, “human nature and behavior”, “interpersonal and social relations”, “human life in the social and eventual aspects”, “emotions”, “subjective modality”. The types of meanings that are regular and irregular for a given idiom subsystem, the main types of motivation for semantics of idioms, the degree of modelability of the meanings of phraseological units depending on their internal form are established, as well as the principles of conceptualization of names of speech genres in idiomatization.


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