International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Dubrovskaya T. V. “Only Mother and Geländewagen 5.5 Deserve Love”: Busters’ Lyrics as a Genre of the Youth Internet Discourse. Speech Genres, 2019, no. 1(21), pp. 56-65. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2019-1-21-56-65

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“Only Mother and Geländewagen 5.5 Deserve Love”: Busters’ Lyrics as a Genre of the Youth Internet Discourse

Dubrovskaya Tatiana Victorovna, Penza State University

The paper explores some axiological and linguistic aspects of the busters’ lyrics as a genre in Runet. The author aims at revealing key axiological values and their linguistic actualisations in the busters’ lyrics as well as characterising the identity of “the main hero”. The data were retrieved from three online communities in the Russian social network VKontakte. In terms of methodology, the author draws on social constructionism, critical discourse analysis, legal studies of the criminal sphere in Russia, identity theories, the speechgenre theory and uses the category of topos and the multimodal analysis to discover key values in the discourse. The results of the analysis have shown that the social construct ‘the buster’ is actualized through the topoi of family, friendship, love, success and aggression. ‘The hero’ is constructed as being in conflict with society. The author concludes that the semantic system of the genre is realised with the sum total of all posts, while texts – including precedent ones – establish semantic connections with visual elements, which can alter the axiological accents in verbal statements. The analysis offered penetrates the borders of ‘pure’ linguistics and brings the speech genre theory closer to sociology, culture studies and law.

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