International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

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Shirinkina M. A. Formats and genres of media communication of the executive power. Speech Genres, 2021, no. 1(29), pp. 66-77. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2021-1-29-66-77

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Formats and genres of media communication of the executive power

Shirinkina Mariya Andreevna, Perm State University

The article presents a general description of the system of the executive power media resources from the point of view of its genre organization. The author offers a literature review on computer-mediated communication and the sphere of public relations and gives a definition of a genre in connection with the Internet. It is argued that an important characteristic of a media genre is its format regarded as a sum total of discourse and media aspects determined by the technical capacity of various Internet services. On the basis of executive power official websites, their press service publics and accounts of individual officials in social networks and microblogging services (VK, Instagram, Twitter), as well as messenger channels (Telegram) the author singles out genre varieties of media messages. The author argues that the executive power media communications form an integrated system of communication means and methods of communicating with the society through various Internet services and platforms. The complex of multi-code media messages constitutes a scenario of communication with all possible target groups of the state with a view to create in the collective consciousness a positive image of the executive branch in general and that of the individual officials in particular. The author comes to the conclusion that, when a communication product is posted on the Web, its principal genre features (volume, theme, composition, stylistic peculiarities) remain recognizable, and only the form of presenting the information offered to the addressee with the help of different semiotic systems varies: text, video, photo, animation, music, graphics and infographics as its particular mode, etc. The research of categorical and textual approach to media genres, which allows to describe their typological characteristics in detail may be regarded as a promising continuation of this study. 

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