International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Komutstsi L. V. The genre with a thousand faces: The perspective of the philologist Vladimir S. Vakhrushev. Speech Genres, 2023, vol. 18, iss. 4 (40), pp. 406-412. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2023-18-4-40-406-412, EDN: EVVADI

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The genre with a thousand faces: The perspective of the philologist Vladimir S. Vakhrushev


This article presents an interdisciplinary conception of genre proposed by the Russian philologist from Balashov, Professor Vladimir Serafimovich Vakhrushev. The feasibility of this task can be mainly seen in two aspects. First of all, Vakhrushev conceives genre as an ideal model generating versatile phenomena not only of discursive, but also of social, cultural, and historical processes. His broad understanding of genre can contribute to the comprehension of the specific speech genres, studied within the specific disciplines isolated so far by their primary tasks, as the elements of a coherent macro system “Genre – Text – Man – Society – Culture – Nature”. Within this macro system, the genres of verbal texts appear to be the structures similar to those of other types, existing elsewhere beyond the realm of art or everyday speech, namely, in nature, history and society. According to V. Vakhrushev, verbal genres and the genres of natural and sociohistorical phenomena share a number of intrinsic properties which are determined by the global ecological law of their adaptation to the ever-changing environment. Secondly, this publication is timed to coincide with Professor Vakhrushev’s 90th anniversary, which falls on September 2022, thus providing a motive for presenting his theoretical legacy to a wider community of linguists, literary scholars, cultural studies scholars, perhaps sociologists, historians, and natural scientists to engage them in a critical discussion. Researchers of speech genres and literary studies may be particularly interested in Vakhrushev’s phenomenological definition of genre and in the ways he is reasoning the isomorphism and the presence of analogies between text genres and the genres of other life forms, such as biology, daily social life and history. 

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