International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Bazylev V. N. Genres of Socialist Realism “Collected Works” and “Selected Works” from Soviet Political Leaders. Speech Genres, 2018, no. 1(17), pp. 48-54. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2018-1-17-48-54

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Genres of Socialist Realism “Collected Works” and “Selected Works” from Soviet Political Leaders

Bazylev Vladimir Nikolaevich, National Research University Higher School of Economics

The article is devoted to the consideration of the genre “Collected Works”, namely the works of political leaders of the Soviet Union. The object of the study is the collected works of Leonid Brezhnev “Lenin’s course”, published in 9 volumes from 1973 to 1983. Formulated The hypothesis is formulated: the “Collected Works” is a typological variety of the literary metatexts, i.e. the ensemble or composite of several text structures. It is a generic cyclization form of substantive and constitutive characteristics. The formal approach to the study concentrates on the same type of the units (volumes) that contain all or major works of Soviet statesman, his literary and publicistic heritage, accompanying by articles, comments, pointers, etc. The substantial aspect of the study focuses on the “Collected Works” as a dual edition of the chronotope: a retrospective and prospective at the same time. The combination of genres combined into the hypergenre “Collected Works of the Soviet Political Leader” concentrates on the politician’s experience of leading internal and external policy of the country and practice of organizational and ideological work. The variety of genres of texts that make up the repertoire of the “Collected Works” get weight and importance of the arguments that historiography can represent as political propaganda, the justification of politician’s claims and the implementation of his plans. The chronotopicale principle of “dynamic monumentalism” (D. S. Likhachev) allows to the author of the “Collected Works” solve the most important pragmatic problem, i.e. the ideological influence on the Soviet reader.

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