International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Solomonick A. Philosophy of Supersymmetry. Speech Genres, 2019, no. 3(23), pp. 166-182. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2019-3-23-166-182

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Philosophy of Supersymmetry

Solomonick Abraham, ThIsraeli Ministry of Educatione Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The article presents a new focus on philosophy of knowledge: its birth, development and transformations. A. Solomonick distinguishes three subsequent phases in its development: mystical-religious approach to people’s knowledge acquisition. the first scientific stage in access to knowledge (from the middle of the second millennium until the XXth century). and the second scientific stage which is evolving in our time. The initial stage is based on the beliefs (faith) and on the authority of national leaders. the first scientific period deals with the observance of the phenomena in question in natural ambience or in experiment. the modern scientific period presents a multimodal approach to the observed matter and the acceptance of all its modifications, even those that encroach beyond strictly dualistic logic, because such logic discerns only two opposite realizations of various complex appearances. To obtain this goal the author suggests supersymmetric analysis of the discussed complexes and problems.

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