International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

жанровая система

Definitions of genre in modern readers’ literary criticism

The article studies definitions of genre that exist in mass readers’ minds and appear in their book reviews. While readers’ literary criticism and other forms of online-communication per se are now beginning to draw scientific interest, the problem of genre in fiction book reviews written by readers has been underinvestigated. Non-professional literary critics have a rather vague idea of literary genres that often lacks logic and does not comply with traditional hierarchy of genres.

Жанровые дефиниции в современной читательской литературной критике

Статья посвящена жанровым определениям, которые возникают в сознании и творческой практике массового читателя. Если само явление читательской литературной критики и других форм интернет-коммуникации сегодня начинает осмысливаться, то проблема жанровой специфики литературных произведений, о которых пишут читатели, остается за пределами исследовательского внимания.

Mediafact as a Genre Entity

The study deals with the media fact as an entity of media speech and media genres, in particular. The purpose of this article is to show how media facts form genres. The author adopts a broad interpretation of the concept of ”media fact,” the main characteristic of which is the focus on the presentation of events in their relevance. A media fact is any information in the media that the recipient considers to be a fact and takes into account, building his attitude to the world around him.

Genre System of Russian XVIII Century Satirical Magazines

Satirical magazines are a unique form of the XVIII century literature. Standing outside the dominant in the XVIII century normative poetics, they share its didactic intent. They develop a specific genre system consisting of short literary forms. The research aims to create a structural model of this system. It involves multiple factors: the literary forms it includes are defined on several irredundant criteria. Its main genres are the editor’s essay, the reader’s letter, and parodies. The editor as the subject of an essay is a fictional character.