International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

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Speech genre “interpretation” in the era of the Russian church schism of the 17th century: Hermeneutic and linguo-personological aspects (based on the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities” by Avvakum)

The research presents the description of the speech genre “interpretation” on the basis of the understudied essay of Archpriest Avvakum “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”. The relevance of the topic is determined, firstly, by the small number of publications with the analysis of the source involved, and secondly, by polar and contradictory statements about the composition of the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”.

Student comments on a professor’s rating as an evaluating speech genre in Russian and American educational discourse

This article focuses on the speech genre “student comments on a professor’s rating” which belongs to the domain of quality assurance in higher education. Both aspects are meaningful for the theory of speech genres and the system of higher education. The article analyses the communicative concept “student feedback on teaching” which is related to the speech genre under research.

Genres and roles (The genre structure of drama discourse revisited)

This study analyzes the peculiarities and genre organization of the drama discourse The text of drama is viewed as a hyper-genre determining conceptual, aesthetic and communicative space in which all the characters act as language personalities. Speech-genre competence of characters or language personalities performing life-like roles (among them professional ones) determines their inclusion in some new hyper-genre.

The genres of the personal internet discourse: communicative explications of a person

This article makes clear the formation and functioning of the genre system of the personal Internet discourse and it focuses on the determination of the characteristics of actual forms of verbal behaviour. The article was carried out in the paradigm of anthropological linguistics. Personal Internet discourse is defined as a socio-communicative space in witch personal interactions of a person as individual and a society member take place.

The Verbalization of the Siberians Combatants’ Wishes Used in Letters From the Front in the Days of the Great Patriotic War (Based on the Letters of Krasnoyarsk Territory Citizens Mobilized to the Front)

The article is devoted to the linguistic description of the means of verbalizing the wishes written by Siberians combatants in their letters from the Front during the Great Patriotic War. The research of verbalization of the wishes has been carried out in terms of linguistic personology and represents a part of the study concerning the pragmatic level of the collective language personality of a combatant as a person who is part of the armed forces and taking part in armed hostilities.