International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Тексты на мемориальных досках как речевой жанр

Статья посвящена анализу текстов персональных мемориальных досок, размещённых в административных центрах Приволжского федерального округа Российской Федерации. Её актуальность обусловлена усилением внимания общества к проблемам исторической памяти, с распространённостью использования мемориальных досок как важнейшего средства коммеморации, а также с отсутствием работ, посвящённых лингвистическому исследованию текстов названных памятных знаков. Цель статьи состоит в описании структуры, содержания и стилистических особенностей текстов персональных мемориальных досок.

Genre forms in the children’s magazine “Tram”

The article is included in the range of works devoted to the study of genre characteristics of texts and genre forms. The relevance of the study is determined by the specific nature of speech genres and their variability. The purpose of the work is to research the magazine “Tram” as a speech genre and its genre forms. The material for the study was the journal issues published between 1990 and 1995. The article tries to consider the relationship between the concepts of “genre” and “genre form”.

Genre PRology and convergence of genres of PR text

In the basis of a special area of genre PRology as a branch of the science of public relations the authors put the criterion of the diversity of PR-information in multi-channel public communication via new media. As a subject of genre PRology, the authors consider convergence of information formats of a PR text in a multi-channel PR. In the genre revision of PR communication in social media, the genre transformations of PR texts are influenced by the following factors: 1) technological, 2) intentional, 3) structural.

КОНСТИТУЦИЯ РФ как речевой жанр ядерной зоны российского законодательного дискурса

КОНСТИТУЦИЯ РФ представляет собою основной речевой жанр (РЖ) ядерной зоны законодательного дискурса (ЗД) РФ и является менее изученным с лингвистической точки зрения.

Жанровая пиарология и конвергенции жанров PR-текста

В основе особого направления пиарологии как науки о связях с общественностью – жанровой пиарологии – лежит критерий многообразия форматов PR-информации в условиях мультиканальной публичной коммуникации. В качестве предмета жанровой пиарологии рассматривается конвергенция информационных форматов PR-текста в условиях мультиканального PR-дискурса. В жанровой ревизии PR-коммуникации в социальных сетях на жанровые трансформации PR-текстов влияют следующие факторы: 1) технологический, 2) интенциональный, 3) структурный.

Speech genre “interpretation” in the era of the Russian church schism of the 17th century: Hermeneutic and linguo-personological aspects (based on the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities” by Avvakum)

The research presents the description of the speech genre “interpretation” on the basis of the understudied essay of Archpriest Avvakum “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”. The relevance of the topic is determined, firstly, by the small number of publications with the analysis of the source involved, and secondly, by polar and contradictory statements about the composition of the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”.

Genre forms in the children’s humoristic magazine “Veselye kartinki”: 1990s

The article is included in the circle of studies related to the study of genre characteristics of texts. The relevance of the study is determined by the changeable nature of speech genres, each of which contains traditional (archaic) genre-forming features, as well as new, changing ones. The aim of the undertaken research was to consider genre forms and features in the children’s comic magazine “Veselye Kartinki”. Issues of the period from 1985 to 1999 were selected as the research material.

Is “species” a “type”? in the thicket of polish and german genologies

The aim of this article is to outline the terminological differences and dissimilarities in studies on texts, as well as present problems in the classification of texts or, more specifically, difficulties in their descriptions in German and Polish philological reflection and in finding common points in defining particular phenomena and terms. This is an attempt at systematization in order to avoid terminological discrepancies and the misunderstanding of terms.

Genology of usual texts

The aim of the article is to characterize the basic assumptions and developments of current research within linguistic genology of usual texts. It's about phrases for specific practical purposes. Their genological presentation covers the most important concepts in the subdiscipline, which can also be referred to as linguistic genology. The article is a discussion about the Polish research on genres of phrases, including the foundations for this theory made by Bakhtin.

From the mastery of a speech genre researcher to discoveries in text linguistics (Book Review: Turaeva Z. Ya. From the writer's mastery to the reader's discoveries: In search of the essence of the text. Moscow: LENAND, 2016. 144 p.)

This review presents a new book on the fundamental categories of «text» and «culture» as they emerge among the research priorities of humanities and linguistics in the beginning of the 21st century. Authored by Z. Ya. Turaeva, this book discusses a wide scope of problems that were in the focus of linguistic research at the turn of the millennium. These problems range from text models to linguistic demagogy and linguistics of lies. from the text addressee and ethno-psychological features of addressing the text to intertextuality.
