International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Жанровая и форматная специфика текста в бренд-журналистике

В статье проверяется гипотеза о том, что особенности построения и гибкость формата текста сделали сторителлинг оптимальной жанровой моделью в бренд-журналистике (журналистике продвижения). Сторителлинг понимается как самобытная организация речи в интернет-коммуникации (как жанр), при этом формы, форматы реализации этого жанра множественные, сторителлинг открыт для новообразований и трансформаций. Подробно проанализированы причины популярности сторителлинга, раскрыта его ценность для сферы массовых коммуникаций.

Structural features of narratives produced by bilingual children living in Kyrgyz Republic

The article deals with Russian-language narratives produced by bilingual children aged 4–6 year, living in Kyrgyzstan and speaking both Russian and Kyrgyz languages. Children are developing in the situation of «mixed bilingualism», with Russian as a dominant language. Narratives were collected using the MAIN experimental tool, which includes several sets of pictures for telling/retelling stories, standard texts for retellings, and tables for evaluating speaking skills.

Структурные особенности нарративов двуязычных детей в республике Кыргызтан

Статья посвящена русскоязычным нарративам, порожденным детьми-билингвами 4–6 лет, проживающими в Кыгрызтане и говорящими на русском и киргизском языках. Дети растут в ситуации «смешанного билингвизма»; русский язык является для них доминантным. Нарративы собирались при помощи инструмента MAIN (ТОН), включающего несколько наборов рисунков для создания рассказов / пересказов, стандартные тексты для пересказов и таблицы оценивания речевых навыков. В статье рассматриваются особенности макро- и микроструктуры нарративов.

Referential features of narrative genres in the process of language acquisition

The paper regards the process of the development of several features of the narrative speech genre in the discourse field of Russian culture while learning Russian as a second language. Referentiality in general linguistic sense is an area concerning naming of objects and characters by language means. In this paper we analyse the problems of the referential choice (what factors influence the speaker’s choice of a referential expression) and anaphora resolution (how the listener/reader binds an anaphoric pronoun to a coreferential noun phrase).

The speech genre of chreia: Historical background and typology

The paper explores various types of chreia (declarative, responsive, scholastic , etc.) as a didactic genre. These various types include those that are still unresearched in the Russian linguistic literature, e.g., e.g., chriod, ethology, double chreia, and others This language phenomenon is analyzed and systematized and its correlation with a system of adjacent categories is specified. Chreia is juxtaposed to a) enres, such as gnome, parable, fable, and proverb. b) figures of speech, primarily to description and allegory.

“We’ve never been close, we’re very different”: three narrative types in sister discourse

Drawing on interviews I conducted with women about their sisters, I identify three narrative types: small-n narratives, big-N Narratives and Master Narratives. Small-n narratives are accounts of specific events or interactions that speakers said had occurred with their sisters. Big-N Narratives are the themes speakers developed in telling me about their sisters, and in support of which they told the small-n narratives. Master Narratives are culture-wide ideologies shaping the big-N Narratives.

Hospital discourse: narratives, remarks, dialogs

The research is based on personal observations made while staying in municipal hospital and notes taken at the surgery of the mentioned hospital from November, 21 till December, 4 of 2015. The focus is on the following pairs of communicators: the doctor – the patient, the nurse - the patient, the nurse – the nurse, the patient – the family member, the patient – the patient. The article deals with a problem of interception, following A.V. Nagornaya, who based her research on English literary texts.

Linguocultural specifics of Chinese narrative genres

The paper covers part of the results obtained by a group of scholars from Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University during the work on the project: «Narrative as a medium of conceptualisation of reality in the context of Russian-Chinese intercultural communication» supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities. The authors explain the theoretical approaches, methods and key dimensions of narrative analysis. They further analyse the culturally specific Chinese narrative genres «chuanqi», «huaben», «huagu», «errenzhuan», «shulaibao», etc.


The article presents the results of analysis of narrative genres of oral medical discourse and differentiation of their functional types by linguopragmatic and structural characteristics. The narrative genres typical of medical discourse «doctor – patient» are narrative and the story proper. A reduced form of story proper is a compressed story. It appears that the varieties of story from the point of view of intentional orientation are informative, interactional and phatic narratives.